Real Estate Marketing Outsourcing for Lead Generation to Closing Sales

Today on the SynergyCafe Video Show I interviewed Michael LaRocco about real estate marketing.

Michael is owner of ADs and FUNNELS, an agency focused on helping Real Estate Professionals with lead generation, sales funnels and social media management for real estate marketing. Did you know roughly 68% of people looking to sell or buy a home do so with the FIRST agent that calls them back? Michael has some very cool methods to automate the process so that YOU can “be first” in the minds of the people buying and/or selling their homes.

You can contact Michael from his website link below.


Got questions? Need clarity? Contact me from the link below.

Best Regards,


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Sharing is Caring!

Radio Guest List ROCKS! @radioguestlist

People looking for more online exposure should take a look at Radio Guest List for being interviewed by radio stations, podcasts and webinars.

Radio Guest List is the Bridge between Hosts and Guests.

SHOW HOSTS: If you are looking for guests for your podcast or radio show, then look into Radio Guest List as a resource for finding a spectrum of experts, authors and professionals.

They help radio talk show, podcast, online radio show, satellite radio, and TV program hosts, bookers, and producers to find new talk show guests, authors, and experts to interview “on the air” – easily and for free!

SHOW GUESTS: Get radio and podcast interviews for free publicity if you are an expert, author, celebrity, or marketer by using their FREE email service.

If you are a coach, consultant, teacher, trainer, presenter or performer and are looking to get some very good exposure for your products and services, then seriously consider working with Radio Guest List.

Free Radio Guest Interviews Booking Service


Tell’em “MagicBrad” sent ya!

My mentor John Chow shares the best products to sell online to be successful as a marketer

What are the best products to sell online to make money?

You Need 4 Core Products to be Successful Online

In this educational video, my friend and mentor John Chow shares the basics of the best products to sell online (4 core products) to be successful in online business. All too often, inexperienced marketers attempt to sell huge quantities of one single item, like on Amazon or eBay. This is hard because first those platforms are very populated and saturated with other marketing, attempting to do the exact same thing.

There is an easier model using these four types of products:

  1. The Lead Magnet or “freebie” is a low risk and low point of entry used to generate leads that you will eventually convert to paying customers.
  2. The Buyer Qualifier is a low priced product that separates the buyers from the browsers.
  3. The Continuity Product is a product that provides recurring income over and over each and every month.
  4. A High Ticket product that is high price point with a high profit margin to actually start making money. Rather than sell 1,000s of low priced products, you sell high-ticket top-tier products that provide you with the profit margin.

Rather than creating all of this myself, I have a hybrid of my products and offers and other peoples products and offers. As an example, I DO NOT like making sales calls. Therefore we have an outsourced Phone Sales Team that handles those time-intensive tasks.

Makes it much easier. All we do is funnel leads into the systems.

This is my friend John Chow’s opinion, but I fully agree with him. John makes a lot more money than I do online and what he says makes total sense to me, so I follow his lead.

As always, if you have questions of need clarity on how I make money online, feel free to contact me.

Event-fully Yours,

BRAD “MagicBrad” GUDIM

John Chow shares the Ultimate Online Business

Running an online business is not at all like running a traditional business.

Do you currently operate an online business or if not, would you like to?

John Chow is my Business Mentor and HE may not even know it. Although Mr Chow has been blogging for many many years, he still shares some of his secrets that most of the gurus will not share with you.

John Chow is my online business mentor and may not even know it. I’ve only met in once briefly at a Mastermind in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. He is very smart about the way he created his marketing campaign. So… I have modeled the Synergy Collaborative platforms similarly, so that my affiliate partners can also realize rapid success.

As always, if you have and questions or need clarification please reach out and give me a call.



Brand Identity and Branding Strategy with Loren Weisman @lorenweisman

Loren Weisman shares his insight on Brand Identity and Branding Strategy.

Are you up-to-speed on the current Brand Identity and Branding Strategy requirements and strategy?

If you are not aware of the current tactics and methods, your business identity will be in the shadows and never be seen. You need to know how to stand out and be seen and heard.



GUEST: Loren Weisman

HOST: Brad Gudim aka #MagicBrad



Brand Precision Marketing Strategist and Counselor Loren Weisman aligns, defines and designs individualized branding, marketing & content planning for start-up and established businesses. Loren is also the host of iHeartRadio’s “Wait What Really OK” Branding and Business. Podcast.

As a keynote speaker Loren Weisman delivers down to earth talks, fun presentations and humorous lectures with an audience to create engagement & enjoyment while sharing experience, knowledge & direction for those in the mailroom to the boardroom and everywhere in between. Always keeping a rooted focus on the fundamental ideas of organizing, developing & sequencing for conversions.

From musicians to authors, restaurants to real estate and entertainment companies to insurance agencies, Loren works with everyone, from CEO’s to administrative assistants to help solidify and demystify the fundamentals of content branding, promotion, and marketing, to create higher engagements that convert to sales, profits and customer retention.

Weisman has stayed up to date with the constant changes inside and outside of the entertainment industries over the past two decades as well as keeping up with the pulse and motion of content creation, marketing, promotion, and social media trends, allowing for the most effective, and up to date methods, approaches and plans.

Branding your business is important and so is SELLING.

How to Sell a Product or Service with Sales Coach David Kirkeby