VIDEO MARKETING | How I conquered my “fear of the camera”

Is a “fear of the camera” holding you back from video marketing your passion?

I was always jealous of marketers who could look into a web cam and deliver a marketing message — and carry it off with style. It’s called Video Marketing and it can be scary.

Whenever I tried it, I felt exposed, like a bullfighter facing a bull. His eyes glaring. Just waiting for you to make a mistake. Did I mention that I’m a bit camera-shy?

But then it occurred to me. All the top marketers show their face to the camera, so their followers can have a one-on-one experience with them. And not just the marketing superstars but everyday business people too.

I mentioned my camera shyness to a friend. He said I was too focused on myself. And he was right. I needed to focus on my message — and my audience. So rather than just staring into the camera, I decided to involve others using videoconferencing.

As I began my search for a service, my first reaction was “sticker shock.” But as I tried cheaper alternatives, I found that quality was a problem. The idea of glitches added to my anxiety.

That was around the time my email service provider, GetResponse, introduced a webinar add-on. I found I could upgrade to the Pro package, which includes webinars, for just a few extra bucks per month. So I did it!

For my first experiment, I invited a few of my clients to preview something I’ve been working on. GetResponse Pro enabled me to bring up my email marketing list and choose people to invite — very easy. And my invitees accepted.

And what was my topic? Videoconferencing :-)

So my small group enjoyed checking out the various features. We took turns in front of the camera — up to three of us at a time. Soon we were all involved, taking turns using the presentation screen, whiteboard, chat, and video player.

And we took turns leading the meeting. I noticed that my clients were just as camera-shy as I was. It’s only human. Gradually, we forgot our self-consciousness and just enjoyed ourselves.

Want to know the hardest part? You have to remember to click the “record” button. But I did it! And when I reviewed the recording afterward, I found I didn’t look nearly as awkward as I thought. And as the meeting progressed, I relaxed more and more.

Now I use it for everything. I can:

Invite followers to an online demo to introduce my business.Deliver a sales talk to a small (or not-so-small) group of prospects.Train new clients to use products I sell.Collaborate on marketing projects with online partners.Offer free webinar recordings to build interest.Package in-depth webinars into educational courses.Videoconferencing is now an important part of my marketing and sales funnel. Prospecting is easier and more enjoyable. Online sales presentations help me close more sales. Training classes are easier on everybody’s schedule.

I’m able to do more business in less time, thanks to videoconferencing.

Want to check it out? Click my affiliate link to try GetResponse Pro free for 30 days.

And let me know what you think.

Best regards,


How to Make Landing Pages Convert HIGH – 5 Different Examples

In this VIDEO you will learn How to Make Landing Pages Convert HIGH – 5 Different Examples.

Chad Bartlett shares How to Make Landing Pages Convert!

The main objective of a landing page it to GENERATE LEADS by getting Qualified Opt-Ins.


A few basics are that the landing page only have ONE FUNCTION and that is to get an opt-in or a lead which is usually a Name and Email but can be more information if you want. However the more information you request, that lower the opt in rate will be because people do not want to share too much of their information.

The next tip is to use a “lead magnet” to entice them to opt in to your landing page. The  lead magnet is like a reciprocation in exchange for them giving you their personal information, so it needs to be worth their time and their perception of what their personal information is worth. Personal information these days is perceived as very valuable, so your lead magnet of what ever you are offering on your landing page had better be well worth it to these prospective leads.

Lastly, you better be ready and able to fulfill your offer. You need to be ready and able to provide what you are offering to this new prospective customer or client. If not, your reputation will be damaged.

Do what you say, when you say what you do.

That’s all for now!


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Email Marketing Software | GetResponse and Aweber

Email Marketing Software comes in a PLETHORA (I love that word) of options.

As I recall, the first email marketing software that I used was ConstantContact.  I set this up when I started my exposition company back in 2004. ( MediaMax Events and Expos )

If I knew then, what I know now, I would have put the ConstantContact affiliate program in my name instead of signing up direct, and I would still be making affiliate commissions on that account today, because Rick is still using it. (I sold that business in 2012)

SEE ALSO: GetResponse and Aweber << FREE TRIAL

The next email marketing software I used was, I believe, Aweber.  This is a common email marketing software still today, however when I was using it I experienced some challenges, perhaps because I was not sure of what I was doing at that time.  I then switch to GetResponse.

As of the date of this blog post, I am currently using GetResponse.


GetResponse is the Email Marketing Software that I am currently using. The reason I like it, is because of the optional Landing Page feature. I have multiple landing pages that I created using their start from a draft options and their customizable pre-designed templates.




Another Email Marketing Software is Aweber. I used Aweber earlier on in my internet marketing career, but had some frustrations with it. (personally) You might like it. You can take a FREE TRIAL to find out.


Try AWeber free for 30 days! – AWeber Communications


TRANSPARENCY DISCLOSURE: Please do understand that when you buy either GetResponse and/or Aweber that I will very possibly get an Affiliate Commission from your purchase (thank you). After-all, that is one of the Multiple Streams of Income that I generate to be able to make money online and live the Internet Lifestyle.

If you are still confused about which Email Marketing Software to use, feel free to contact me on our contact page of this website.

Best regards,



Aweber Email Marketing with Amy Schmittauer | Build Your List

Try AWeber free for 30 days! – AWeber Communications

Another Email Marketing Program is GetResponse. I have used both Aweber and GetResponse, but am now primarily using GetResponse exclusively. The reason I switched when I did was Aweber was not working with my other platforms, so I switched to GetResponse, and have become very satisfied with the automation and the additional Landing Page features.

Learning about the online world of making money in the internet to a process, not a get rich quick scheme. This is why it is important to BUILD A LIST.

TRANSPARENCY DISCLAIMER: To be fully open and transparent with my readers, subscribers and members, I want you to know that IF you click on the links on this website, or my other websites (and my other Social Media platforms) and you are to make a purchase, immediately or into the near distant future, I very possibly will earn a commission from your purchase. THAT, my friend, is how I get paid and earn my living by providing you with this information.

At the Synergy Lifestyle Academy, we will teach you the multiple methods, tips, techniques and strategies to build your online income. You can become a member of the Synergy family for only $9.97 per month and get connected with other people just like yourself that are interested in leaning to live the Internet Lifestyle.

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A Book for Professional Photography by David McCammon @mccamera

Professional Photography is not easy and the market is saturated with wannabes.

Today on SynergyCafe I interviewed David McCammon about Professional Photography and his book for photographers.

David earned his Bachelor of Applied Arts in Photographic Arts from Ryerson University and his Master of Education from Nipissing University. He is a participating member of Professional Photographers of Canada (PPOC) with a Craftsman of Photographic Arts (CPA) designation awarded by winning entries in national competitions, earning accreditation in Annual Report, Commercial, Editorial, Portrait and Environmental Wedding Photography and by volunteering with PPOC. David’s new book Image Power: Balancing Passion and Profit in Business is now available.


I enjoy interviewing people from all walks of life, from beginning entrepreneurs to seasoned business professionals. The internet has made a plethora of information available to most everyone in the world.

Let’s Connect!




Dennis Yu 3×3 Video Marketing Strategy of Why, How, What

Dennis Yu is a video marketing strategist.

Video Marketing has (finally) become the norm when entrepreneurs are promoting products and services online.

I’m very happy about this. Especially when the video content is an actual real person (talking head) in the video, because I am much closer to liking, knowing and trusting this individual. The internet is full of scammers because the internet allows people to hide their true identity.

If you don’t have the courtesy and courage to talk with me on video… I ain’t buyin’

Just sayin’

If you would like to discuss more about video marketing or learn how you too can live the internet lifestyle then contact me from the link below.

Let’s Connect!




How to Build A Sales Funnel To Increase Sales For Beginners

Learn a simplified method How to Build a Sales Funnel to Make Money Online

Are you ready to get more sales using a sales funnel?

IGNORE the latest digital marketing course with unlimited & lifetime access to learn how to drive sales, and increase sales (the right way).

Keep It Super Simple (K.I.S.S.)

#1 You need to Lead customers to your website. A website that you will be setup with a sales funnel, which means customers will be spending more time and more money with you.

#2 You need “relationships” and how to build and bond relationships.

#3 You need $ALE$ because without sales, you make no money and without money, you have no business online.

You need the ultimate method for beginners to guide you into making sales funnels.

Who needs this?

  • Students with a website and a product looking to increase their sales.
  • Students looking to learn a sales strategy.

BELIEVE IT OR NOT… there is one piece of software you need to invest in to accomplish all this.

You need what is called an “AutoResponder” which is simply a database.

There are MANY of these AutoResponder softwares out there. You may have heard of MailChimp, ConstantContact, Infusionsoft and Aweber to name a few.

I have used Aweber but am now using GetResponse.

Email Marketing Software | GetResponse and Aweber

The reason I like GetResponse is it has a Landing Page feature that I use for Lead Generation. I also use this Landing Pages for making mini-webpages.


Let’s have a “virtual coffee” meeting at Synergy Cafe

As always, if you have any questions please feel free to Contact me.

Let’s Connect and Collaborate!