Radio Guest List ROCKS! @radioguestlist

People looking for more online exposure should take a look at Radio Guest List for being interviewed by radio stations, podcasts and webinars.

Radio Guest List is the Bridge between Hosts and Guests.

SHOW HOSTS: If you are looking for guests for your podcast or radio show, then look into Radio Guest List as a resource for finding a spectrum of experts, authors and professionals.

They help radio talk show, podcast, online radio show, satellite radio, and TV program hosts, bookers, and producers to find new talk show guests, authors, and experts to interview “on the air” – easily and for free!

SHOW GUESTS: Get radio and podcast interviews for free publicity if you are an expert, author, celebrity, or marketer by using their FREE email service.

If you are a coach, consultant, teacher, trainer, presenter or performer and are looking to get some very good exposure for your products and services, then seriously consider working with Radio Guest List.

Free Radio Guest Interviews Booking Service


Tell’em “MagicBrad” sent ya!