Small Business Tax Deductions

92 Small Business Tax Deductions

  1. Accounting fees
  2. Advertising & marketing
  3. Amortization
  4. Bad debts that you cannot collect
  5. Banking fees
  6. Board meetings
  7. Building repairs and maintenance
  8. Business association membership dues
  9. Business travel (here’s what you need to know!)
  10. Cafeteria health-insurance plan (requires plan)
  11. Car expenses
  12. Charitable deductions made for a business purpose
  13. Charity or traveling to perform charitable services
  14. Cleaning/janitorial services
  15. Collection expenses
  16. Commissions to outside parties
  17. Computers and tech supplies
  18. Consulting fees
  19. Continuing education for yourself to maintain licensing and improve skills
  20. Contractors
  21. Conventions and trade shows
  22. Credit card convenience fees
  23. Depreciation
  24. Discounts to customers
  25. Eating out while you’re traveling for business
  26. Education and training for your employees
  27. Employee wages
  28. Employee benefits
  29. Entertainment for customers and clients
  30. Equipment
  31. Equipment repairs
  32. Exhibits for publicity
  33. Family members’ wages
  34. Franchise fees
  35. Freelancers
  36. Freight or shipping costs
  37. Furniture or fixtures
  38. Gifts for customers or employees ($25 deduction limit for each)
  39. Group insurance (if qualifying)
  40. Guard dog
  41. Gym for employees, located onsite
  42. Health insurance
  43. Home office (see our handy article)
  44. Insurance premiums for credit, liability, malpractice, worker’s comp, and other insurance
  45. Interest
  46. Internet hosting and services
  47. Inventory
  48. Investment advice and fees
  49. Legal fees
  50. License fees
  51. Management fees
  52. Materials
  53. Maintenance
  54. Medical expenses (with plan)
  55. Mortgage interest on business property
  56. Moving
  57. Newspapers and magazines
  58. Office supplies and expenses
  59. Outside services
  60. Payroll processing
  61. Payroll taxes for employees, including Social Security, Medicare taxes and unemployment taxes
  62. Parking and tolls
  63. Penalties and fines paid for late performance or nonperformance of contracts
  64. Pension plans
  65. Permits and fees
  66. Postage
  67. Profit sharing
  68. Publicity
  69. Prizes for contests
  70. Real estate-related expenses
  71. Rebates on sales
  72. Rent
  73. Research and development (we literally wrote the guide on this one!)
  74. Retirement plans
  75. Royalties
  76. Safe-deposit box
  77. Safe
  78. Service fees
  79. Software and online services
  80. Startup expenses
  81. Stereo equipment for playing background music at work
  82. Storage rental
  83. Subcontractors
  84. Taxes (amazingly, taxes incurred in running your business are deductible)
  85. Telephone
  86. Theft and loss
  87. Tips. Just because you didn’t get a receipt doesn’t mean you can’t deduct the cost, but you should document it just the same.
  88. Uniforms for your employees
  89. Utilities
  90. Waste removal
  91. Website design
  92. Workers’ compensation insurance

11 Deductions to Avoid All Together

  1. A small business loan—but you can deduct whatever you purchase with the loan
  2. Business attire that you can wear outside of work (ie, non-uniforms)
  3. Contributing your time to charity
  4. Membership dues, even to a professional organization
  5. Federal income tax payments
  6. Your life and disability insurance premiums if you’re a sole prop., partnership, or S Corporation
  7. Lobbyists
  8. Penalties and fines you pay as the result of breaking the law
  9. Political contributions
  10. Professional accreditation fees
  11. Your own salary if you’re a sole proprietor

Young Disruptive Kids making YouTube Money off their First Amendment Rights

In this video I talk a little about some young brats that I saw on YouTube that were standing behind their first amendment right to freedom of speech and allows them to disrupt public space. Abusing their first amendment rights to make money.

Anything for money! LOL

Being an internet marketer, myself, I guess I gotta give them some credit for their “entrepreneurial spirit” LOL

I wonder what the relationship is with their parents.

 Personally, I find it fairly disgusting that they are disrupting our government centers simply just to get more traction on YouTube. They seem like they are spoiled brats, and abusing the legal system. This does nothing to make the world a better place. It’s simply disrupt the flow. And you and I know that the government is already behind schedule and running in efficiently. LOL 

What are first amendment rights?

 I have no idea what we can do about this, because it is just the nature of children. However, I am assuming that their parents would be able to bring them up in a more respectful manner. However as they say, the fruit does not fall far from the bottom of the tree. 
 The rights of this country are constantly being abused, and I think it is important that society makes and initiative to be civil and kind to one another. 

I would like to know your opinion on this topic. There are a lot of people in the United States that simply do not have an opinion. I am not asking that you be disruptive or rude when expressing your opinion. I am not interested in a debate or an argument, my interest is more specifically about conversation of how we can make this world a better place. Starting with here on my blog post.

The relationship to our First Amendment Rights

Online Marketing Experts say The Money is in the List

Did you ever think it’s time you started building that list of subscribers? Successful marketers aren’t lying when they say “the money is in the list” 

However I know that generating leads mean you need a high converting squeeze page and its so annoying, frustrating, and did I mention super expensive getting a one created. Even with all the fancy tools out there; sometimes its just mind boggling when you have a million options, and designs to choose from. 

So here is what I have done for you… 

I found a top notch wordpress plugin that creates elegant, responsive squeezepages for you on the fly. And you can create as many of them as you want. The plugin is designed to create high converting squeeze pages without the guess work involved. And you do not have to be any type of expert to create those squeeze pages this plugin, plus…  you can easily 4X your lead optins with the same amount of traffic you are getting right now.

You know why?.. 

Here is the kicker.

It’s all about compounding leverage.

#leads123sales 👈

Let’s get on a Skype call and we can have a chat about saving time and compounding money.

Tax free money with wise investment strategies

In this video, our wealth hacker friend will share some things to do and things not to do when it comes to Roth IRAs.

Financial Freedom Teaching Sailing

How much does it “really“ take to be financially free? Not much money. More of an investment of your time and energy.

Could you become financially free by sharing your passion on the Internet. Literally hundreds of thousands of people are online sharing their opinion. However very few are monetizing their passion and enthusiasm.

In this video, I share how a person that is passionate about sailing might generate an income stream.

Sorry about the wind noise.

Costa Rica Waterfalls | Nauyaca | #AskMagicBrad

The Costa Rica Waterfalls  are a popular attraction to visitors to Costa Rica and vacationers coming to see this beautiful country.

Osa Property Management coordinates tours for people to visit the Costa Rica Waterfalls  and take in the splendor and beauty of nature.

If you have an interest in experiencing these Costa Rica Waterfalls you can always contact me, and I will connect you with my friend Nick Halvorson.

Definitely worth it to take a 4 wheeler or the horses. If you take those, you get to spend 2 hours at the waterfalls before the return journey which is a perfect amount of time. Trail is long, hilly, muddy and not super scenic for hiking as it is just a dirt road. Once you get to the waterfalls, it is amazing. There are relatively nice bathrooms and changing rooms. Get there before 11:30am to climb up the ropes that the guides set up in order to jump off the falls. Amazing time for all, and one of the highlights of my trip.

On your next visit, be sure to inquire with Osa Property Management about Real Estate Opportunities and ask about the Costa Rica Waterfalls.

Tell’em MagicBrad Sent ya!

Learn More about… Wellness


Compounding Interest | Personal Branding

Personal branding compounding interest and focus are very important when it comes to making money on the Internet.

NO LONGER is the topic of compounding interest popular with oldschool retirement programs.

The name of the game these days is personal branding and compound scaling of Internet exposure.

It is important these days as a online income producing entrepreneur that your personal brand is identified and embedded in the minds of your prospective customers.

With the Synergy Collaborative, we have the ability to compound our attention by sharing each other‘s contact.

Another element of the Synergy Collaborative is the ability to actually earn an income from sharing the membership opportunity.