SynergyCafe Interview with @StefanAarnio of Black Card University


In this SynergyCafe VIDEO I interview Stefan Aarnio of Black Card University. He is a coach, consultant and self-made millionaire.

Stefan is an Award Winning Real Estate Entrepreneur, author of Self Made: Confessions of a Twenty Something Self Made Millionaire and the winner of the Rich Dad International Hall Of Fame Award.


Thanks for checking out his book!

The Andrew Yang Freedom Dividend – Is it a HandOut?

First I ask, do you know the name Andrew Yang and are you familiar with his proposed Freedom Dividend concept?

Also known as the Andrew Yang UBI or, Universal Basic Income proposal, this idea is not new. The idea has been proposed by others before Mr. Yang. Martin Luther King suggested the concept also.

The Andrew Yang Freedom Dividend idea is to distribute $1000 per month to every law abiding United States Citizen that is over 18 years of age. Not just a select group of people, but to ALL United States Citizens, providing you are not in jail or prison, and you are a legal documented citizen of the United States of America, and you are over 18 years old. If you fit in those parameters, you are eligible for $1000 per month from the United States government.

To some, the Andrew Yang Freedom Dividend is considered a handout. And to others the Freedom Dividend is considered a “birth right” as a citizen of the United States of America.

 The people that consider it a birthright, are looking at it from a business cash flow standpoint as a shareholder of the United States economy. 
 The United States of America is a capitalist country. I think we can all agree on that.  There are literally hundreds of thousands of dollars moving through the United States economy every day.  It is the businesses and the consumers of the United States that are keeping this cash flowing through our country. 

We the People 

 If it is true, that we the people of the United States are in charge of the government, and not the other way around, then we are shareholders of the businesses in this country. The capitalist businesses of this country are doing business in our country.  If it was not for us consumers in the United States, these businesses would not survive. 

 As consumers, we constantly have income, outgo and cash flow. 

 If you can just for a moment, not think of the freedom dividend as a handout, but actually look at it as an idea to create cash flow in the United States economy it would make more sense to you. 

 Think of it this way. There are thousands of businesses throughout the United States, that are constantly doing business transactions buying and selling products and services.  If we leave it to the government to distribute this money, it is going to be distributed with a bias and unfairly designated. 

 If we are to implement a value added tax to all businesses in the United States, that would provide sufficient funds to distribute to the United States citizens.  I am referring to every dollar spent on Amazon, every Facebook ad, every Starbucks cup of coffee, every gallon of gas pumped, every haircut, every pair of pants purchased, every pair of shoes purchased, EVERYTHING.

 Then the money acquired from this tax, is distributed to each law biting united states citizen over 18 years of age. What this will do now is distribute this income to all local communities.  This would stimulate the economy in every community, each and every month. 

 As an example, say there is a city that has a population of 20,000 people.  That would result in $20 million being distributed in that community each and every month. 

 That money, would then be in the hands of businesses and entrepreneurs spending that money on their business, reinvesting back into the United States economy. 

 This is a very simple way to redistribute the wealth of the entire United States of America, equally and fairly. 

 Again, try to look at this as a economy cash flow solution, rather than a hand out to freeloaders. 

Another issue is the “dollar per hour” model in obsolete, and there is no way humans can move faster than automated robot technology.

Therefore, employers are not going to be able to pay high enough wages and still stay in business. There needs to be other ways.

In my opinion, people should have their own side-hustle to earn money. Perhaps an Online Store, Network Marketing or Affiliate Marketing.

I am a member of Wealthy Affiliate and have learned a lot from their community about earning money online.


Andrew Yang Freedom Dividend Effect on Global Economy

A little about Andrew Yang Freedom Dividend and is it a workable concept. 

 In my opinion, I think the freedom dividend concept is solid.  Do United States has a very strong business model. The capitalist model gives wealth going strong. The problem with some of the capitalism concepts is the greed, let me and corruption that takes place. 

 Aside from the bad points, it’s a good idea to keep cash flowing through any business. And let’s admit it here, the United States of America is a huge business.  However there is a lot of corruption, greed, gluttony and miss use of the system. 


 A good example is the pharmaceuticals. They are making a lot of money, selling fear of death. The products they create are perceived to make a person live longer, or have a better life. However, I think the pricing is ridiculous. The reason they can gouge on these prices, is because it is a life or death matter in many cases.  When these large corporations are holding people hostage and at ransom by overpricing the drugs that can help them. That is disgusting. The reason they are doing this, is because the big insurance companies are paying the fees. However some people cannot afford the insurance, so it gets the government involved for the less fortunate. 

 If the Andrew Yang freedom dividend was in place, that would help to give people some extra cash to survive.  Some people, look at the freedom dividend as a handout. I have had people tell me that if you gave people $1000 per month, they would not work and just sit on the couch and eat potato chips. These people need education and inspiration about wellness.

 I do not believe this would be the case. I think it is about character.  If a person has the character to sit on the couch, and eat potato chips, they are going to do that even if they are a millionaire. 

 People want to work, they want to feel productive. The reason they may not feel productive, is because they feel helpless. The $1000 per month will give everyone in society the ability to pay rent and live in a home or apartment. 

How is it going to be funded?

 Another argument, is where will the money come from. This is simple. There will be a small sliver taken from each business in the United States. So there will be a little sliver from every coffee purchased, every Amazon sale, every Facebook ad, every gallon of gas pumped, every restaurant purchase, every close purchase, every accounting fee, every road construction, every new home built, every bass boat purchased and the list goes on. 

 There is plenty of money flowing through the United States economy to be able to pay every legal United States citizen over age eighteen one thousand dollars per month . 

Peter Hagen on Real Estate and Fitness of the Mind Body and Spirit

ABOUT: Peter Hagen is in real estate investing and he believes he will be involved in real estate for the rest of his life in one way or another. He’s also an advocate of healthy living, nutrition and wellness. His lifestyle situation has changed for the better, and he enjoys sharing his experiences and successes with others.



 In this video I talk with you about real estate and ask him, and also the health and wellness of your business. It seems to be relevant to how your business operates. If you are not good in mind body and spirit, you are probably not going to be good in your business. 

 We actually even got a little personal on the concept of sobriety. Peter believes that he is better off being clean and sober, and his mind is more clear and has now living a better life.

 Real estate is one of those industries, that will not be going away. We have eaten some type of shelter ever since we walked out of the cave. That means that real estate is a very secure investment. You do not need to be a real estate agent to be investing in real estate. For example, I am invested in real estate investment trust. I am simply leveraging my money to earn more money. And someone else does the actual investing into the real estate properties. 

 I am invested in commercial, residential, apartments, shopping centers, vacation homes, retirement homes and storage lockers. 
 Living a clean and spiritual life will open your mind to having these moments of clarity, and will accelerate your success goals and objectives. 

Wellness of Real Estate Investing

Could you make money selling annuities online?

 Can you make money selling annuities?  Do you have to be a licensed agent to sell annuities? 

 I’m sure there are qualifications to sell annuities. And for an agent to sell fixed annuities they need a life insurance license. Issued by the state that they reside in. 

 Annuities are regulated at the level of each state and the state has their own department of insurance that does the regulations. 

 I have some friends that are affiliate marketers in the Wealthy Affiliate Program that probably make better money doing affiliate marketing than they do selling insurance. 

 If your financial goal is to make money, there are numerous ways of earning a significant income online. However, you need to know what you are doing. 

SynergyCafe VIDEO Interview with Tom Gledhill of XITpro

About Tom Gledhill

Tom Gledhill has founded, built and sold 4 companies during his career as a business owner. He is an M&A Advisor and the author of “How To Sell Your Company And Not Leave Money On The Table”. How to sell a business for profit.

Tom has been in the trenches founding, building, and eventually selling his small businesses. He understands a business owners day to day stress – satisfying customers and staff, meeting payroll, and concern about future sales.

He has combined his experience from building and selling his companies and helping many other business owners sell their companies, to develop the XITpro System to help business owners increase the value of their company, make more money, and make their business more salable.


 Building a business is one thing, and building a business for resale is another. If you have a franchise business can you sell it someday? It is hard enough to build a business to be profitable, let alone building it strategically. You need to know if you are going to exit the business, and sell it at a profit, or are you building the business to continue to operate it into your retirement years?

 These are two very different aspects of building a business. My old business partner wanted to create a job for himself, so he is still operating the business that we started. My interest was not in having a job. My interest was more in having a business that paid me passively, regardless of if I was working the business or not. 

 If you seriously are passionate about what your business is therefore, then you might spring out of bed and jump into your office. Honestly, this is not my desired lifestyle. Therefore I have chosen to build a business that is online, and operates 24 hours a day seven days a week regardless of whether I am on site. 

 The Internet offers a vast array of opportunity for earning an online income. I have seen a surge of coaching businesses that are teaching everything from social media to fitness to business and marketing and the list goes on. It seems where ever you turn, there is a coach.  The coaching industry has become very saturated, so it is important for the coach to find a specific niche so they are not overshadowed by the plethora of business and lifestyle coaches online. 

 In addition to teaching and coaching, there is the affiliate marketing model, where you promote other peoples products and services, and earn a commission from them. I personally prefer this business model, and that you can do your promotion anytime of the day or night, and the sales and fulfillment are handled by the product creator. 

 The passive affiliate marketing model is significantly different than the hands on coaching model. Although there are some elements of coaching and teaching that you can automate, and make Evergreen. Four example creating some courses that people can buy and learn on their own. However, there is always going to be some handholding when you have students. 

 With the affiliate marketing model, you are the middleman, and the creator of the product needs to take care of the customers. 

 If you have other questions about building a business with an exit strategy, please feel free to contact Tom. WEBSITE

 If you are interested in the affiliate model, you can contact me. #MagicBrad 

✨Ignorant MLMers might be missing Tax Deductions💰

One of my issues with the network marketing, and MLM industry is they are usually more excited about sharing their Products and opportunity with other people, when they should be structuring their business for themselves.