Costa Rica Waterfalls | Nauyaca | #AskMagicBrad

The Costa Rica Waterfalls  are a popular attraction to visitors to Costa Rica and vacationers coming to see this beautiful country.

Osa Property Management coordinates tours for people to visit the Costa Rica Waterfalls  and take in the splendor and beauty of nature.

If you have an interest in experiencing these Costa Rica Waterfalls you can always contact me, and I will connect you with my friend Nick Halvorson.

Definitely worth it to take a 4 wheeler or the horses. If you take those, you get to spend 2 hours at the waterfalls before the return journey which is a perfect amount of time. Trail is long, hilly, muddy and not super scenic for hiking as it is just a dirt road. Once you get to the waterfalls, it is amazing. There are relatively nice bathrooms and changing rooms. Get there before 11:30am to climb up the ropes that the guides set up in order to jump off the falls. Amazing time for all, and one of the highlights of my trip.

On your next visit, be sure to inquire with Osa Property Management about Real Estate Opportunities and ask about the Costa Rica Waterfalls.

Tell’em MagicBrad Sent ya!

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