Andrew Yang Freedom Dividend Effect on Global Economy

A little about Andrew Yang Freedom Dividend and is it a workable concept. 

 In my opinion, I think the freedom dividend concept is solid.  Do United States has a very strong business model. The capitalist model gives wealth going strong. The problem with some of the capitalism concepts is the greed, let me and corruption that takes place. 

 Aside from the bad points, it’s a good idea to keep cash flowing through any business. And let’s admit it here, the United States of America is a huge business.  However there is a lot of corruption, greed, gluttony and miss use of the system. 


 A good example is the pharmaceuticals. They are making a lot of money, selling fear of death. The products they create are perceived to make a person live longer, or have a better life. However, I think the pricing is ridiculous. The reason they can gouge on these prices, is because it is a life or death matter in many cases.  When these large corporations are holding people hostage and at ransom by overpricing the drugs that can help them. That is disgusting. The reason they are doing this, is because the big insurance companies are paying the fees. However some people cannot afford the insurance, so it gets the government involved for the less fortunate. 

 If the Andrew Yang freedom dividend was in place, that would help to give people some extra cash to survive.  Some people, look at the freedom dividend as a handout. I have had people tell me that if you gave people $1000 per month, they would not work and just sit on the couch and eat potato chips. These people need education and inspiration about wellness.

 I do not believe this would be the case. I think it is about character.  If a person has the character to sit on the couch, and eat potato chips, they are going to do that even if they are a millionaire. 

 People want to work, they want to feel productive. The reason they may not feel productive, is because they feel helpless. The $1000 per month will give everyone in society the ability to pay rent and live in a home or apartment. 

How is it going to be funded?

 Another argument, is where will the money come from. This is simple. There will be a small sliver taken from each business in the United States. So there will be a little sliver from every coffee purchased, every Amazon sale, every Facebook ad, every gallon of gas pumped, every restaurant purchase, every close purchase, every accounting fee, every road construction, every new home built, every bass boat purchased and the list goes on. 

 There is plenty of money flowing through the United States economy to be able to pay every legal United States citizen over age eighteen one thousand dollars per month .