Email Marketing Software | GetResponse and Aweber

Email Marketing Software comes in a PLETHORA (I love that word) of options.

As I recall, the first email marketing software that I used was ConstantContact.  I set this up when I started my exposition company back in 2004. ( MediaMax Events and Expos )

If I knew then, what I know now, I would have put the ConstantContact affiliate program in my name instead of signing up direct, and I would still be making affiliate commissions on that account today, because Rick is still using it. (I sold that business in 2012)

SEE ALSO: GetResponse and Aweber << FREE TRIAL

The next email marketing software I used was, I believe, Aweber.  This is a common email marketing software still today, however when I was using it I experienced some challenges, perhaps because I was not sure of what I was doing at that time.  I then switch to GetResponse.

As of the date of this blog post, I am currently using GetResponse.


GetResponse is the Email Marketing Software that I am currently using. The reason I like it, is because of the optional Landing Page feature. I have multiple landing pages that I created using their start from a draft options and their customizable pre-designed templates.




Another Email Marketing Software is Aweber. I used Aweber earlier on in my internet marketing career, but had some frustrations with it. (personally) You might like it. You can take a FREE TRIAL to find out.


Try AWeber free for 30 days! – AWeber Communications


TRANSPARENCY DISCLOSURE: Please do understand that when you buy either GetResponse and/or Aweber that I will very possibly get an Affiliate Commission from your purchase (thank you). After-all, that is one of the Multiple Streams of Income that I generate to be able to make money online and live the Internet Lifestyle.

If you are still confused about which Email Marketing Software to use, feel free to contact me on our contact page of this website.

Best regards,

