How to find Franchise Business Opportunities with Mariel Miller @marielmiller

Do you know how or where to find Franchise Business Opportunities that succeed?

You might even wonder if franchise business opportunities are even worth the time and investment these days with all the regulations and expenses required.

In this Synergy Cafe Video Interview, I speak with Mariel Miller of The Franchise Advisor, about franchise business ownership and franchising your business. In this video interview, Mariel shares about her business and also the big WHY she got into the business of helping people that might be interested in the franchise model of business. She educates and inspires people to discover their options for building wealth and improving the quality of their lives.


I enjoy doing these interviews, because I get to meet so many different and wonderful people in the entrepreneurial business world and also learning why they chose to leave corporate jobs to pursue their own dreams.

If you would like to be a guest on my Synergy Cafe Show, you can book a date and time boy going to www.MagicBrad.TV and clickin gon the black banner that reads, “Book your Interview”.

I hope to see you online and perhaps meet in-person at a live event some day too!

Event-fully Yours,


PS: If you would like to learn more about living the Internet Lifestyle of fun, freedom and fulfillment, you can download my FREE eBOOK at or you can also jump right in, and invest $49 into your own business education at


Leadership Team Training to Optimize Business Outcomes with Rocky

Do you know what Leadership Team Training actually is?

Watch this video and learn more about Leadership Team Training with Rocky Romanella.

Today on SynergyCafe I interviewed Rocky.

No… not THAT Rocky.

I interviewed Rocky Romanella of 3SIXTY Management Services.

Rocky is a Keynote Speaker, a consultant and also provides training and coaching services for business. 3SIXTY Management Services, helps their clients with transformational business leadership training and consulting that will result in growth. They are business mentors to corporate up-and-coming leaders, delivering optimal value from their courses, programs, consulting and keynotes that pays off in the bottom line.

You can contact Rocky from his website at:


As always, if you have any questions, or would like clarity on the offering of Synergy Ventures or “MagicBrad” you can contact me from the link below.

Best regards,


PS: If you would like to live the Internet Lifestyle go to:


The Millionaire Real Estate Agent Wake Up Call

It’s time for The Millionaire Real Estate Agent Wake Up Call

GUEST BLOG POST by Michael LaRocco –

Over the last few months, I have found a huge correlation between what a highly successful real estate agent produces and the amount they spend on marketing. When you look at the opposite and start to compare them to a newer inexperienced real estate agent or one that is simply only making mid to low six figures, you notice one thing.

The amount of money spent on marketing and the way they run their career.

When you look at a 7-figure earner, you notice they’re spending anywhere between $30,000 to $120,000 on marketing alone.

They also run their career as a business hiring team members that take over specific areas of their business for them. They might hire a listing specialist, marketing specialist, showing specialist, and so on and so on.

While a 6-figure earner runs their career as just that… A career. When going through the book The Millionaire Real Estate Agent, co-author and owner of one of the fastest growing real estate companies in the world Gary Keller talks about how agents need to do the 3 L’s.


When it comes to listings, a real estate agent can close many in the time it takes to help a buyer find a home. This is because selling a home can bring in multiple prospects while helping a buyer can take months and can turn sour in the end when they decide they’re going to wait a few more years before purchasing.

Then with listings, you not only get to help the seller sell their home but throughout the process, you get to help them buy a new home (if they don’t already have one lined up) which is how a real estate agent “double dips” in a fiduciary way.

In other words… This is one way to use leverage.

The best way to use leverage though is hiring a team that knows what they are doing so you can focus on what you do best. As explained above, you might hire a listing specialist, a marketing specialist, or even an assistant. Or maybe you hire a marketing agency that has a few different virtual assistance in place to accomplish twice as much with half the cost.

But let’s do some math real quick so all of this can make a bit more sense on why a 7-figure earner will NEED to hire out these types of positions…

It will take 320 closed deals at $250,000 per property to reach $80,000,000 in sales.

Now take 3% of the $80,000,000 to get the GCI (gross commission income) which is $2,400,000.

Now you’ll need to factor in all of the expenses, which the book The Millionaire Real Estate Agent says is about $1,400,000 when you factor in software, continuous education, training team members, salaries, commissions, and splitting some commissions with the broker (if there is a commission split. I mention this because I have met a few people who pay a flat fee instead of a split commission while I have met others who have split 50/50 with their broker) if applicable.

But the really sad part is…

Talking with most real estate agents that want to be in the 7-figure earner category, they don’t want to “risk” the money on hiring a marketing agency and when they get an enormous amount of leads, they literally don’t know what to do with it.

Most don’t have a proven model they’re following and don’t have big enough goals to follow. Each real estate agent has the ability to do great things in a massive way. But they don’t want to step outside of their comfort zone and build a company. They stay in the “safety zone” and run everything as if it was a career.

The number one goal of any agent that wants to become a 7-figure earner is they need to run it as a business and hire the right people to do so. The end result should always be the same. Hire a CEO to run the company so you can scale to bigger things.

To contact Michael LaRocco visit his website at:

Not Law Business but The Law of Business with Jamil Jama

Don’t get Law Business confused with the Law OF Business.

Today on SynergyCafe I interviewed Jamil Jama of The Law of Business.

No, Jamil is not about “business law” in the legal aspect, but more as in, there are certain laws to follow in order to be successful in business. Jamil says is is like a “formula” that you follow and then with a little luck, you can be successful.

It takes more than luck, however. Being successful in business requires hard work, discipline and an entrepreneurial mindset. Jamil says, “You need to know your “why” so that you have directions and purpose.” To learn more about the Law of Business and Jamil Jama, you can visit his website.

Visit his website at


As always, if you have any questions or need clarity on any of the posts or offerings you see from me online, please feel free to contact me.

Best Regards,


Download my FREE eBOOK at:

PS: I am looking for seven (7) people to form a “Synergy7 Collaborative Pod” of Freedompreneurs to work together to create Time Freedom, Money Freedom and Location Freedom, and support each other on our journey.

Ready? Let’s Connect!

My mentor John Chow shares the best products to sell online to be successful as a marketer

What are the best products to sell online to make money?

You Need 4 Core Products to be Successful Online

In this educational video, my friend and mentor John Chow shares the basics of the best products to sell online (4 core products) to be successful in online business. All too often, inexperienced marketers attempt to sell huge quantities of one single item, like on Amazon or eBay. This is hard because first those platforms are very populated and saturated with other marketing, attempting to do the exact same thing.

There is an easier model using these four types of products:

  1. The Lead Magnet or “freebie” is a low risk and low point of entry used to generate leads that you will eventually convert to paying customers.
  2. The Buyer Qualifier is a low priced product that separates the buyers from the browsers.
  3. The Continuity Product is a product that provides recurring income over and over each and every month.
  4. A High Ticket product that is high price point with a high profit margin to actually start making money. Rather than sell 1,000s of low priced products, you sell high-ticket top-tier products that provide you with the profit margin.

Rather than creating all of this myself, I have a hybrid of my products and offers and other peoples products and offers. As an example, I DO NOT like making sales calls. Therefore we have an outsourced Phone Sales Team that handles those time-intensive tasks.

Makes it much easier. All we do is funnel leads into the systems.

This is my friend John Chow’s opinion, but I fully agree with him. John makes a lot more money than I do online and what he says makes total sense to me, so I follow his lead.

As always, if you have questions of need clarity on how I make money online, feel free to contact me.

Event-fully Yours,

BRAD “MagicBrad” GUDIM

John Chow shares the Ultimate Online Business

Running an online business is not at all like running a traditional business.

Do you currently operate an online business or if not, would you like to?

John Chow is my Business Mentor and HE may not even know it. Although Mr Chow has been blogging for many many years, he still shares some of his secrets that most of the gurus will not share with you.

John Chow is my online business mentor and may not even know it. I’ve only met in once briefly at a Mastermind in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. He is very smart about the way he created his marketing campaign. So… I have modeled the Synergy Collaborative platforms similarly, so that my affiliate partners can also realize rapid success.

As always, if you have and questions or need clarification please reach out and give me a call.



How to Hire a Business Coach… Hold their feet to the fire ????

You might be wondering how to hire a business coach.

Request they get on Video with you.


It is my personnel belief that if a person is not willing to show their face, they are not trust worthy. I’m not going to put my time and energy AND MONEY into a person that does not have the ability to “be real” and genuine. As far as I am concerned, if they are going to avoid a visual connection, they will probably avoid fulfilling their promised too.

When looking for a business coach, or someone that claims to be one, you need to be aware that many of these people are highly skilled in neuro linguistic programming for what is called NLP.

NLP is a very powerful method of communication, and can be used to manipulate people into doing things.  There are some unethical coaches and marketers out there online, that will use these techniques to make a person feel less than they are and leverage these techniques to almost killed someone in to purchasing a product or service.

Be very careful when interviewing your contacts.

Don’t trust the internet trolls.


As always, if you need clarification or have questions, please feel free to contact me.

Let’s Connect!

Event-fully Yours,

BRAD “MagicBrad” GUDIM