Intuitive Business Coach, Bestselling author Kay Sanders

What is Intuitive Business and can it help you?

Today on SynergyCafe I interviewed Kay Sanders.

Kay is an intuitive Business Coach, Bestselling author and known as the Creator of Possibilities. She loves being a mentor to heart-centered entrepreneurs to guide them on their way of creating momentum in their business, gain a winning mindset and the confidence to step out of their comfort zone, become more visible, attract more clients easily and effortlessly, make more money and ultimately take their life and business to the next level!


Getting your mindset right is one of the first steps in becoming successful. The challenge of attempting this on your own, is your ego mind (monkey mind) is working against your expansion towards your goals, because the “monkey mind” (ego mind) want to keep us safe and protected. It does this by staying in a comfortable familiar place.

Even in the area I am in with Internet Affiliate Marketing you need to have a realistic mindset. Most people that get into making money online, think it is as simple as post a link to a product or service and the sales come in. This can not be farther from the truth.

It takes time. And if you have the wrong mindset, like perhaps a “transactional” or Direct Selling attitude, you will not succeed in selling online.

Selling online with Affiliate Program is more like a farmers mindset. The farmer knows that after you plant the seeds, it may be a few weeks before you even see little sprouts come out of the ground. Then it will be even a few more weeks/months (or even years in the case of an apple tree) until the plants are large enough to start bearing fruits of your labor.

But once you get the seeds planted in the orchards and those trees start growing apples, they can grow in the masses. Similarly like with Affiliate Marketing. Once you get your system set up with your blog and your automated campaigns are all in place, then all you really need to do is keep the momentum going by doing simple daily tasks to drive qualified traffic to your first initial offer.

Did you take the leap of faith?

Or did you take the quantum leap of faith.

I know, it takes courage.

Here’s to your FREEDOM!

Be well,



Cesar Rodreguez – MLM: How to Get New Reps Started and Confident Faster!

If you want to learn How to Get New Reps then you need to WATCH THIS VIDEO.

Cesar Rodreguez is a Sales Trainer, Speaker, Author and Creator of the “Heavy Hitter Boot Camp” video training series and the “Immediate YES Formula Program” (see free webinar website).


In this video You’re about to learn one of the easiest, yet most overlooked steps you can instantly add to your initial “getting started training” process with all of the new reps you bring on board that will not only have a HUGE impact on their confidence level, but also will skyrocket the amount of calls they initially make and the results they get from those calls.

So because they’ll actually be making more calls and getting instant results they’ll be more excited, stay in the game longer, and will actually have a decent chance to succeed versus doing what most new reps do which is quit right away or disappear due to frustration and disappointment.

So what’s this magical game changing tip for training new reps? Are you ready for it?

Okay… watch the video now!

If a costly problem, which will only get worse if the economy continues to accelerate and companies hire more reps to keep up. I’ve heard estimates that a new salesperson — even one with prior sales experience — takes about six months to reach full productivity. Those can be a pretty unforgiving six months for most companies, when existing business is at risk, new sales may be lost and sales managers’ time is sucked up by the demands of coaching and training. So anything you can do to accelerate the learning curve is money in the bank.

It turns out that one element in particular has a profound impact not only on how quickly new hires get up to speed, but also on their long-term success: the first assignment you give them. Studies done by AT&T in the 1950s and 1960s found a high correlation between the new hire’s success at the first assignment and where they were in their careers ten years later.

And a just-released study offers some insight into how that critical first assignment should be structured (Rollag, et al. (2005). Getting New Hires Up to Speed Quickly. MIT Sloan Management Review).

While the study didn’t look at salespeople specifically, the conclusions apply directly to sales. It found that the most important goal of onboarding is to help new hires create strong networks within the organization.

How to Make Landing Pages Convert HIGH – 5 Different Examples

In this VIDEO you will learn How to Make Landing Pages Convert HIGH – 5 Different Examples.

Chad Bartlett shares How to Make Landing Pages Convert!

The main objective of a landing page it to GENERATE LEADS by getting Qualified Opt-Ins.


A few basics are that the landing page only have ONE FUNCTION and that is to get an opt-in or a lead which is usually a Name and Email but can be more information if you want. However the more information you request, that lower the opt in rate will be because people do not want to share too much of their information.

The next tip is to use a “lead magnet” to entice them to opt in to your landing page. The  lead magnet is like a reciprocation in exchange for them giving you their personal information, so it needs to be worth their time and their perception of what their personal information is worth. Personal information these days is perceived as very valuable, so your lead magnet of what ever you are offering on your landing page had better be well worth it to these prospective leads.

Lastly, you better be ready and able to fulfill your offer. You need to be ready and able to provide what you are offering to this new prospective customer or client. If not, your reputation will be damaged.

Do what you say, when you say what you do.

That’s all for now!


Let’s Connect and Collaborate!



Video Marketing | The Most Effective Method #AskMagicBrad

Without a doubt, VIDEO marketing is the closest to being in-person as it gets these days.

Today the internet is flooded with text, text and more text. Tons of words to read and not enough time in the day to read them all. If a picture is worth a 1000 words then a VIDEO must be worth a MILLION.

EXAMPLE: VideoMakerFX is a software that makes sales videos.

Watch the video to learn about the VideoMakerFX software.

Social video marketing is a component of an integrated marketing communications plan designed to increase audience engagement through social activity around a given video.

The VideoMakerFX Software is only $37 – BUY NOW!


5 TIPS for effective Video Marketing:

1. Center it Around the Story, Not The Sale

2. Make it the Best 10 Seconds Ever

3. Lighten Up. Stop Being So Boring!

4. Optimize for Search – Tag it Up

5. Educate & Prove Yourself


ENTREPRENEURIAL IDEA for YOU! Open your mind… With this VideoMakerFX software, you could start a small business making marketing videos for other businesses. Use your creativity to make the videos and sell them for $50, $100 maybe a $1,000 bucks!

You’ve just created your own Video Marketing Creative Agency.


I hope this basic information helps you with your video marketing and/or encourages you to start using VideoMakerRX for making your videos for your business.


As always, if you have any questions, concerns, ideas or opportunities, feel free to contact me.


Why is Paid Advertising Expensive?

Why is paid advertising expensive?

The main reason paid advertising is expensive, is you are “competing” against the entire world.

Also, it is just YOU and “you alone” that is doing the advertising (and paying).


Paid advertising, although very scalable, can become very expensive. Especially for the beginner in business and someone new to Marketing that does not really know how to scale and leverage their advertising dollar to maximize the conversion and get a return on their investment.

Although paid advertising can be effective, it is difficult to reach a qualified audience, because you have no control of who they are related to. In my opinion, strategic collaboration is a much more effective way to promote a product or service.

Number one, it is very low cost. Essentially it is the cost of your time of developing strategic collaborative partners. Also, you are able to partner up with someone that is non-competitive, and actually complementary to your products and services.

This synergy alone will magnify the probability of your product and service being of interest to the prospective new customers. Also if your collaborative joint venture partner, is satisfied with the results from your cooperative promotion, they will want to do other programs in the future.

Many people that run a referral-based lead generation program are very happy with the business that they get. Also, again, the relationships that you develop in your collaborative effort, will last for years to come.

Let’s Connect and Collaborate!




BONUS: Expert Secrets Audio Book by Russell Brunson

Business Partnership Q and A with Marie Forlio

there are obviously pros and cons with going into a business partnership for a business venture. 

In this video with business coach Marie Forlio  she will explain some of the red flags that you might want to watch for if you are considering going into business with a partner.

One of the red flags is the balance of business ethics between partners. If one person is a workaholic, and the other wants to outsource and values free time, there will be some conflicts. I say this because this was a situation that I was in my expedition management business with my business partner.

Before jumping into a business partnership look at all your options, and weigh out the benefits and the possible stumbling blocks.

In addition to business ethics, you will want to know each other’s long-term and short-term agenda for the business. For one it may be to grow the business and sell, while for the other it might be wanting to create a long-term job and leave a legacy for their children.

I love talking with people about business strategy, so if you want to have a chat, feel free to contact me.

Best regards,


Business Partnership

Why MagicBrad uses GetResponse for Automation and List Building

If you have been in the online marketing world for almost any length of time, and have been learning about how to make money online, then you have more than likely heard the phrase… “The Money is in the List”. List Building is one of the skills that everyone will need to learn to earn.

Building a list (or database) of leads, prospects and customers is a key element in any business venture.

If you have been following me for a while, you know I like to use analogies to explain seemingly complex technologies. I often use a Nature Analogy of Plant Seeds (leads), Nurture Plants (relationship), Harvest Fruit (money).

You will never “Harvest the Fruits of your Labor” (make money) until you “Plants Seeds in a Fertile Garden” (leads). And before the seeds will begin to grow, you need to “Nurture them until they sprout plants” (relationship).

LANDING PAGES are the pieces of Internet Real Estate that gather the seeds (leads) that are planted.

AUTOMATION features offer the ability to create Time Freedom.

TRACKING STATS to check the efficacy of your marketing.

What I like about GetResponse (see banner below) is it has plenty of features that can be used in the 3 key elements of making money online.

  1. Lead Generation (Landing Pages, Opt-In Forms, Database, etc.)
  2. Relationship Building (Video Embed Features)
  3. Sales Processing (PayPal Buttons)



As always, if you ever have any questions about how to live the Internet Lifestyle, you can contact me from the contact page on this website.

Let’s Connect!