Why is Paid Advertising Expensive?

Why is paid advertising expensive?

The main reason paid advertising is expensive, is you are “competing” against the entire world.

Also, it is just YOU and “you alone” that is doing the advertising (and paying).


Paid advertising, although very scalable, can become very expensive. Especially for the beginner in business and someone new to Marketing that does not really know how to scale and leverage their advertising dollar to maximize the conversion and get a return on their investment.

Although paid advertising can be effective, it is difficult to reach a qualified audience, because you have no control of who they are related to. In my opinion, strategic collaboration is a much more effective way to promote a product or service.

Number one, it is very low cost. Essentially it is the cost of your time of developing strategic collaborative partners. Also, you are able to partner up with someone that is non-competitive, and actually complementary to your products and services.

This synergy alone will magnify the probability of your product and service being of interest to the prospective new customers. Also if your collaborative joint venture partner, is satisfied with the results from your cooperative promotion, they will want to do other programs in the future.

Many people that run a referral-based lead generation program are very happy with the business that they get. Also, again, the relationships that you develop in your collaborative effort, will last for years to come.

Let’s Connect and Collaborate!




BONUS: Expert Secrets Audio Book by Russell Brunson