Human Design with Lynne Dominick @lynnedominick on #SynergyCafe

You may have heard about Human Design but do you understand it?

What is Human Design, and how can we learn more?

I met Lynne on Facebook from a page for people that did Retreats. I love how the serendipity pulls people together for reasons beyond our understanding. Lynne represents a tool called Humans Design that helps people to understand some very complicated science and spirit elements. Lynne did my Human Designs and I am a “Manifesting Generator” FYI.


Lynne also has an eCommerce business

She works with Human Design, Intuitive Readings and The Sacred Circle. She can work with Retreat Coordinators in pre-launch of their events.

You can also connect with Lynne on FACEBOOK


As usual, if you need clarification, or have and questions about the Synergy Collaborative, SynergyCafe or Synergy Lifestyle Academy, please fee free to call.

Event-fully Yours,

BRAD “MagicBrad” GUDIM



How to Promote a Product, Service or Cause on the Synergy Collaborative Network

AdWords Consultant Perry Marshall talks about his New Book EVOLUTION 2.0

AdWords Consultant Perry Marshall talks about his New Book EVOLUTION 2.0

GUEST: Perry Marshall


Perry Sink Marshall is an American online marketing strategist, entrepreneur, and author of several books, including Evolution 2.0: Breaking the Deadlock Between Darwin and Design, Ultimate Guide to Wikipedia.

Perry Marshall is endorsed in FORBES and INC Magazine, and is one of the most expensive business consultants in the world. Clients seek his ability to integrate technology, sales, art and psychology. He founded the the $5 million Evolution 2.0 Prize, with judges from Harvard, Oxford and MIT. The prize aims to solve the biggest mystery in biology. Harvard Business Review featured his 80/20 Curve, a productivity tool used by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Labs at the California Institute of Technology. 80/20 Sales & Marketing is mandatory in many growing companies. Marketing maverick Dan Kennedy says, “If you don’t know who Perry Marshall is — unforgivable. Perry’s an honest man in a field rife with charlatans.” His Google AdWords book laid the foundations for the $100 billion Pay Per Click industry, and techniques he pioneered are standard best practices. Ultimate Guide to Google AdWords is the world’s best selling book on internet advertising. PERRY MARSHALL’S WORK IS REFERENCED IN DOZENS OF INFLUENTIAL MARKETING BOOKS LIKE THESE (CLICK THE IMAGE FOR MORE) He’s consulted in over 300 industries and served as an expert witness for marketing and Google AdWords litigation. Perry has a degree in Electrical Engineering and lives in Chicago.


After reading his latest book, EVOLUTION 2.0 you will have a very different take on how life works, how the internet works, and how YOU can work.

Ready to live the Internet Lifestyle?


Let’s Connect and Collaborate!


What is the Synergy Lifestyle Academy?

Aquarius Horoscope February 2017 | Gregory Scott Astrology

AQUARIUS HOROSCOPE FOR FEBRUARY 2017!! This free horoscope applies to the star sign Aquarius, born January 20 – February 18, and is aimed at Sun Sign Aquarius and Rising Sign Aquarius. Visit for private astrology, tarot, numerology readings and more info.


If you are a believer then you understand how reading your horoscope daily can be helpful in navigating life.

Perfect Partners: Gemini, Libra Nearly

Perfect Partners: Aries, Sagittarius

Like Minded Souls: Aquarius

Opposites You’re Attracted To: Cancer, Virgo

Learn From Your Differences: Capricorn, Pisces

The most compatible signs with Aquarius are generally considered to be Aries, Gemini, Libra and Sagittarius. The least compatible signs with Aquarius are generally considered to be Taurus and Scorpio. Comparing sun signs can give a good general idea of compatibility.

Airy Aquarius should avoid love matches with Earthy Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn and tread carefully with Cancer and Gemini. Good partnerships include Aries and Libra. A psychic is a great resource for Aquarians who are having trouble finding true love connections.


Best Regards,


Why is Paid Advertising Expensive?


Zodiac Signs | Astrology and Horoscope with Jeff Harman @astrocheck

Are you a believer in zodiac signs and astrology and the horoscope?

Some people feel that the zodiac is a bunch of hooey.

In this video, Jeff Harman speaks with MagicBrad about the zodiac and the horoscope with astrology readings for lifestyle interpretation.

GUEST: Jeff Harman
HOST: BRAD Gudim aka #MagicBrad



Aries (March 21-April 19)

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Leo (July 23-August 22)

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

Libra (September 23-October 22)

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

Aquarius (January 20 to February 18)


SynergyCafe Show – SPIRITUALITY (New Age, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism)

SPIRITUALITY…  (Christianity) always in interesting and often times HEATED DEBATE.

New Age, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism

When it comes to the topic of “spirituality” the participants often times get it confused with RELIGION. Today we talked about Jesus as a man, and Jesus as God, or A God, or The God. There are many different ways of looking at this topic.

In my personal opinion (Yes, I have one) the topic of “spirituality” is open to each individuals perception. The various “religions” are man-made from their own individual perceptions of what each individual learns and chooses to believe in.

Each individual will argue and sometimes FIGHT for their opinion to be the GOSPEL TRUTH.

There is only one absolute truth, and that is I AM.

Event-fully Yours,

BRAD “MagicBrad” GUDIM



Synergy Cafe Online INTERVIEW with Darren Maxwell – Psychic Shaman

Who is Darren Maxwell and why is he called the Psychic Shaman?

Darren Maxwell is the Psychic Shaman and is based in Australia. He hosts multiple retreats, workshops and trainings in Bali.

Synergy Cafe Online INTERVIEW
with Darren Maxwell – Psychic Shaman

This was an AMAZING interview with a psychic shaman by the name of Darren Maxwell from Australia. He hosts retreats and workshops in Bali and Hawaii as well as in Australia. I’d love to get him over here to Asheville some day too.

He calls himself the “Modern Urban Shaman”.

Modern Urban Shamanism is a spiritual path and collective knowing that has grown out the human need to understand its surroundings, the environment it lives in and the more-than-human-others it shares the environment with. Modern Urban Shamanism is not bound by gender, race, culture, skin colour or ceremonial practice. No One shamanic practitioner holds the key to every answer. It is inclusive of the whole, no one and no thing is left out.
From the earth beneath our feet, to the stars clearly seen in the night sky, we are One, we are the System, we are Universal. The animals, the plants the insects and the earth are our kin. They are our soul mates! They create this experience of life with us. To believe that one is more or less important than the other is living in a fools paradise. From the first to the last, humans are living a united experience.