Social Entrepreneurship | How to be a Real Estate Entrepreneur @abhigolhar

The concept of Social Entrepreneurship has become an activity of popularity online.

Is Real Estate Investing a Good Career to get in to is Social Entrepreneurship and Branding? Learn how to be a Real Estate Entrepreneur with Abhi Golhar on SynergyCafe

In this Synergy Cafe interview with Abhi Golhar we talk about entrepreneurship and also investing in real estate. Abhi has been in the trenches with his career of choice, and in this video he shares some of the unknowns that newbie real estate investors should be on the look out for.

Abhi has a Podcast called


I’m like what am I doing you know I’m not I’m not being at all I’m not being me. T his is not who I am this is not this is not my this is not right and then I switched immediately to being of service and the more that I did that not only the more opportunities that I got. But I started to enjoy entrepreneurship enjoy creating businesses turning businesses around investing in real estate a lot more because I knew that the impact I was making was making a difference more in somebody else’s life.

That’s what made me really really happy so it’s really it’s really fun to be able to take that idea in your and you what you have in your head feel whatever you need to feel about it if it’s right then you do it if it’s not then you know what don’t do it but thoughts become feelings become things and it’s such right way and there’s such a great way to live looking at it from a logical standpoint because a lot of people were in this mentality of this duality in our head of competition you know yep the Republicans against the Democrats the Yins against the Yang’s, or me against my competition.

The Synergy Collaborative stuff that I do isn’t about that it’s all about collaboration and working together and oftentimes I’ll say if your mother and father competed you would not be here they collaborated to make you manifest is there was a collaboration of energy that’s right it made it happen so we’re going to work with someone else and see how can I help you and they tell you it’s going to reciprocate and it’s going to create that that viral vortex of manifestation and abundance deep absolutely and where mommy ya know any soil no and it’s and it’s so true and i remember in Detroit I realized I’m like wait a minute I can’t blame anybody else but me in this.

As always, if you need clarification on how we make money online, or on any of my posts, please feel free to contact me.

Event-fully yours,

BRAD “MagicBrad” GUDIM


Mall of America like a 2-Tier Affiliate Program

Have you been to the Mall of America yet?

If you sent someone to the Mall of America shopping, what if you got paid a commission for everything they purchased while in the MOA.

I use analogies a lot when I am explaining concepts to people that may not be familiar with the idea, or if they are confused by the complexity of a method or model.

So that being said, here goes!

Being an Affiliate Marketer is actually a simple process. You refer people to a product or service, and if they buy, then you get paid a commission. So as an analogy, if you sent some one shopping at the Mall of America, and they made purchases, if you were and affiliate of the MOA, you would get paid a commission. Pretty simple right?

This is similar to what I do to earn money online. Except rather than retailers hard goods, I’m selling Business Education Products and Mastermind Events.

What I really like about what I am working is the first time a customers buys, they are tagged to you for life. So as another analogy, if they go home from the MOA and return a few weeks later to go shopping again, I get paid a commission AGAIN over and over.

I explain it in this VIDEO.

I also have written a FREE EBOOK that explains these models in more detail.

Making money online is simple, but it is not easy. You need to learn the methods and the tactivcs and the strategies. I can become easier, when you have a small team of people to work together in synergy and collaborate together. WE CAN DO THAT.

And again, if you have any questions or would like clarity on any of the offering that I present, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Event-fully Yours,

BRAD “MagicBrad” GUDIM


The 4 (four) Primary Product Types Needed to Make Money Online

What do you need to make money online and become financially free?

Most people that attempt Internet Marketing to Make Money Online FAIL.

And here’s why…

The reason most fail, is they try to sell THOUSANDS of one-off products or one time offers, and they don’t have a high-ticket product to sell to create a significant enough profit, and they get discouraged because their advertising, marketing and other business expenses exhausted all the income.

To be successful, you need to have a series of products to offer. It is very expensive to “acquire” a lead/customer and much less expensive to “retain” a customer/client.

Start with a very low priced (or free) introductory offer, to attract your ideal prospect, with the intention of making them customers.

  1. *Freebee Offer type product. It is like a “free sample” to attract prospective customers.
  2. Paid Product is something that has a price. It sorts out the browsers from the “buyers”.
  3. Recurring type product that pays you month after month after month like a subscription.
  4. High-Ticket offer type product helps to provide a more significant profit margin.

*The “freebee” type product has been over used.

Then move them up the ladder and offer additional products and services.

We are doing this with the Synergy Collaborative and the Synergy Lifestyle Academy. We have membership levels from beginner to advanced and into graduate and alumni.

Also for more higher priced items we have live in-person events, such as Masterminds, Retreats, Costa Rica Tours and Travel etc. Some of these are commissionable for Affiliate Marketers.

Travel to Costa Rica is Easy with the Synergy Collaborative

I admit, I’m no multi-millionaire driving around in a (rented) Lamborghini. I’m not interested in impressing you. I would, however, like to earn your trust and respect and perhaps do some joint ventures or collaboration with you some day to make money online and create more financial and time freedom.

As always, if you need clarification or have questions, or want to collaborate, fee free to contact me.




John Chow @JohnChow at 2018 Affiliate Summit East Show Floor

John Chow is one of my make money online mentors. (He probably doesn’t know it)

In this VIDEO John Chow shares his experience at 2018 Affiliate Summit East.

The show floor of the Affiliate Summit East is where all the action happens. If you can’t find an affiliate program to promote here, then you won’t find it anywhere.

Here are some links to programs that John Chow uses:

14 Day Free Trial to ClickFunnels:

ClickFunnels Webinar:

Start Your Blog:

Constant Contact:


Read Johns Blog:

Follow John on Twitter:

Follow John on Facebook:

Follow him on Instagram:

Subscribe to his YouTube:

Gear he uses to do videos.
Sony A7III
Sony 85mm F/1.8:
Canon EOS M6:
Canon EF-M 11-22mm Lens:
Sony RX100 V
Zoom H1 Recorder:
GiantSquid Audio Mic:
Zhiyun Tech Crane-M:
Manfrotto PIXI Mini Tripod:
3 Legged Thing Rick Tripod

NOTE: John didn’t pay me a dime to post his links here.  I did it because I am impressed with how he builds his online income, and maybe you can learn from his methods. (Maybe if he sees this, he will show his appreciation and donate to me at Who knows! LOL


As usual, if you have any questions of need clarification, please feel free to contact me.

Let’s Connect and Collaborate!

BRAD “MagicBrad” GUDIM


How to Hire a Business Coach… Hold their feet to the fire ????

You might be wondering how to hire a business coach.

Request they get on Video with you.


It is my personnel belief that if a person is not willing to show their face, they are not trust worthy. I’m not going to put my time and energy AND MONEY into a person that does not have the ability to “be real” and genuine. As far as I am concerned, if they are going to avoid a visual connection, they will probably avoid fulfilling their promised too.

When looking for a business coach, or someone that claims to be one, you need to be aware that many of these people are highly skilled in neuro linguistic programming for what is called NLP.

NLP is a very powerful method of communication, and can be used to manipulate people into doing things.  There are some unethical coaches and marketers out there online, that will use these techniques to make a person feel less than they are and leverage these techniques to almost killed someone in to purchasing a product or service.

Be very careful when interviewing your contacts.

Don’t trust the internet trolls.


As always, if you need clarification or have questions, please feel free to contact me.

Let’s Connect!

Event-fully Yours,

BRAD “MagicBrad” GUDIM


Universal Basic Income Explained – Free Money for Everybody? aka Robot Tax or UBI


What is UBI (Universal Basic Income), also called the “Robot Tax”.



Here are my thoughts on UBI.

Like most ideas, there are pros and cons, good and bad.

In regards to the “Robot Tax” example, where people are concerned about the robots taking over all the jobs, and people will no longer have jobs, I think that is incorrect. I think people will always have “things to do” (jobs) or things that need to be done (tasks).

Jobs are for employees and created by employers and business owners. The robots only make the jobs easier, and not really eliminate people from the picture. Technology only increases production.

So let’s say the robotic industrial age did eliminate the need for people to do the repetitive or dangerous jobs that are more efficiently done by robots. I don’t think these people would just sit around watching Netflix, eating Doritos. I think people have an inherent desire to create. They would do something. If you give them something to do and it is productive and creative they will do it. Even the beggars on the street, create their own cardboard signs, right?

Since the “Robot Tax” (UBI) is being paid by the Self-Employed and Business Owners by taxing them, they are still compensating the people of the community through the UBI.

What if we made it easy for people to start and operate their own income streams or their own businesses? What if these businesses grew and created more wealth, and then of course paid their share of the UBI (Robot Tax)?

I understand the “self-employment” is not for everybody, but I think if the ability to earn money from referring products and services to others (Affiliate Marketing) was made to be easier and more common place, then people would take it on and refer products and services to their friends, family and social networks. Heck, many are already doing that. They just don’t have their referrals connected to a system that pays them commissions for their referrals.

I can help with that.


As always, if you have any questions or need clarification on any of the programs that I offer for financial freedom, please feel open to contacting me.

Event-fully Yours,

BRAD “MagicBrad” GUDIM


Time Zones | Leverage TIME so You Get More Done in Less Time, and spend more time enjoying life

What Time Zones will make you save time? None of them!

It time was money, we would all have the same amount. Therefore the truth is, we need to get our priorities in line, so we are not spending all of our time on trivial activities. (unless trivia is what you enjoy)



As always, if you would like to talk, because you need clarity on what I offer or you have questions, or ya just want to chat, you can call my cell phone, or Skype.

Event-fully Yours,

BRAD “MagicBrad” GUDIM


How to Promote a Product, Service or Cause on the Synergy Collaborative Network