VIDEO | Interview with Author/Writer | Anthony Signorelli @TonySign

As an author, Anthony Signorelli has a goal to turn questions and topics on their head, to look at them from a new angle, and to delight his readers, with the journey.

He believes that if he’s not delighting you with insightful, evocative, thought-provoking perspectives and ideas, he is failing you. — Anthony Signorelli.

Anthony says… “If I am not challenging your thoughts helping you see things from a new angle, I am failing you. If we are not finding ourselves in an interesting conversation with real stakes–the kind that can change people and minds–then I am failing you.”


WATCH THIS VIDEO and learn more about Anthony Signorelli.


ANTHONY: So you must do other things right… so I’m primarily an author and I have I have several books that are out right now, some on political philosophy or we’ll call it Liberty. One called Speculations on Post Capitalism, and one called What is Liberalism.  But, these books are in their essence, is that they are trying to communicate to people to help them understand the future.  So, that’s really what my work is about. It’s on that level and then the other ones are about, kindof the inner life of people of people and human beings and especially men. I’m particularly interested in men and mythology, poetry and that kind of thing. So to help enliven the inner life which is also actually about the future. So it’s about creating better lives for everybody and at the inner world level. But also on the outer world level. That’s really where my best writing goes.


Anthony is a member and welcomes YOU to Join Us!

Build a Personal Brand | Rhonda Swan presents in Dubai

To be successful, you need to build a personal brand that distinguish you from others.

In this video, my friend Rhonda Swan shares her story of how and why it is important to build a personal brand to do business on the internet.

I met Rhonda at a conference in Arizona back in circa 2014. I immediately had respect for her. She had confidence and was in control. Even way back then she had the “brand” of UNSTOPPABLE and still today she has stuck firmly with that brand.

Rhonda IS the “Unstoppable Momma”

The one simple thing I learned from Rhonda was to establish a BRAND that people will remember, so I have branded “MagicBrad” and it seems to stick. The MAGIC part comes from my interest in magic as a kid. When I was young (4-5 years old) I found an internet in magic and it stuck with me. After I graduated high school in 1975 from Fridley, MN I became a professional magician.

I did take on a “job” working for Anoka County Parks and Recreation for about 3 years, got layed-off and learned early that a traditional job is risky and out of my personal control. So, I opted to become self-employed and have been since.

I created the Synergy Collaborative as a way for others to experience the FREEDOM of being in control of their own life destiny. It’s for the entrepreneurial person that wants to create their own income without a ceiling, and create their own time-freedom without being a slave to the clock.

Is that YOU?

Intuitive Business Coach, Bestselling author Kay Sanders

What is Intuitive Business and can it help you?

Today on SynergyCafe I interviewed Kay Sanders.

Kay is an intuitive Business Coach, Bestselling author and known as the Creator of Possibilities. She loves being a mentor to heart-centered entrepreneurs to guide them on their way of creating momentum in their business, gain a winning mindset and the confidence to step out of their comfort zone, become more visible, attract more clients easily and effortlessly, make more money and ultimately take their life and business to the next level!


Getting your mindset right is one of the first steps in becoming successful. The challenge of attempting this on your own, is your ego mind (monkey mind) is working against your expansion towards your goals, because the “monkey mind” (ego mind) want to keep us safe and protected. It does this by staying in a comfortable familiar place.

Even in the area I am in with Internet Affiliate Marketing you need to have a realistic mindset. Most people that get into making money online, think it is as simple as post a link to a product or service and the sales come in. This can not be farther from the truth.

It takes time. And if you have the wrong mindset, like perhaps a “transactional” or Direct Selling attitude, you will not succeed in selling online.

Selling online with Affiliate Program is more like a farmers mindset. The farmer knows that after you plant the seeds, it may be a few weeks before you even see little sprouts come out of the ground. Then it will be even a few more weeks/months (or even years in the case of an apple tree) until the plants are large enough to start bearing fruits of your labor.

But once you get the seeds planted in the orchards and those trees start growing apples, they can grow in the masses. Similarly like with Affiliate Marketing. Once you get your system set up with your blog and your automated campaigns are all in place, then all you really need to do is keep the momentum going by doing simple daily tasks to drive qualified traffic to your first initial offer.

Did you take the leap of faith?

Or did you take the quantum leap of faith.

I know, it takes courage.

Here’s to your FREEDOM!

Be well,



The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson as presented in VIDEO by the Beesley’s

The Slight Edge was written by Jeff Olson

The video below explain the book by Jeff Olson by the name of “The Slight Edge”. 

In this book, Jeff explains how we make multiple simple little decisions each moment that when plotted over a long period of time will make a huge difference in our desired destination of goal.

This process is very applicable to multiple areas of our life. If we are looking for a specific CAREER goal, we need to adjust to reach that goal, but continually go in the direction of our goal.

If we have a specific amount of money we want to acquire as a FINANCIAL goal, we need to constantly move towards that goal.

Or if we are looking for a specific person in our RELATIONSHIPS, we need to hold that vision, and we will meet that person of our dreams.

Even out SPIRITUALITY is a destination. We need to have faith in our spiritual beliefs and know that they indeed will manifest.

And our WELLNESS is also affected by our small decisions each day. A piece of cake once in a while will not make us fat, but daily and over time, we will probably balloon up a bit.

In the video, he talks about that “slight edge” that needs to be executed each and every day, and possibly each moment, to become successful.

These slight edge principles are applicable for Affiliate Marketers to earn money online as well. We need to move forward, onward and upward, making slight adjustments, but being very very consistent as well.

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What is Entrepreneurship when it comes to Our Youth in Minneapolis?

What is Entrepreneurship when it comes to Our Youth in Minneapolis? The question of what is entrepreneurship seems like a simple one. But entrepreneurship goes much deeper than the simple question of what is entrepreneurship does.

When ever I see young people create businesses and provide their own source of income, rather than going to work for someone else, I have immediate respect for them.

This kid started his own hotdog stand to make money to buy his own clothes for school.  The experience he will gain from running this business will go far beyond just school clothes. He will learn so much about integrity, Customer Service, respect, and how to have a positive mindset to grow his business empire.

When you are cruising through North Minneapolis in Minnesota, and have an urge for something to eat, you should seriously consider visiting this young gentleman and supporting his business ventures.  He is paving the way for others to follow his lead and create their own reality and build their own lifestyle by design.

From his front yard this 13-year-old secured a summer job to earn his own money.  He is even leveraging social media and getting customers from Facebook.  He believes it is good to start young and grow.

What are you doing to free yourself from a 9-to-5 job? Or do you even have an interest in creating your own lifestyle? Entrepreneurship is not cut out for everyone. It requires discipline and dedication and perseverance. In today’s world, there are so many opportunities, that it is actually overwhelming. Granted there are a lot of scam opportunities online, but there are many legitimate ways to earn money online also. I encourage anyone that has an interest in expanding their personal growth to look into starting and online income of some sort. At least some sort of side hustle in addition to their 9 to 5 job so they can get a feel of what it is like being self-employed and in charge of their own destiny.

You can visit his stand in Minneapolis located at 1510 Penn Ave North

I support anyone that wants to create their own income with self-employment.

Let’s Connect!



Bob Proctor presents | Your Thoughts attract EVERYTHING

Bob Proctor is a speaker, author and entrepreneur. In this video he presents | Your Thoughts attract EVERYTHING.

I heard somebody say that people do not think. I wonder if that is accurate? I think that man simply do not think. If people really did think, they would think positive thoughts and then attract positive results.

Why would people choose results they do not want?  Listen to the way people talk from time to time, they often talk about negative activities, which attracts negative result

Everything that you ever wanted is within you. All you need to do is tap the positive and you will reap the positive harvest.

When you ask for help, and you are looking for the right people, you will find the right answers.

Next time you are out in public, take notice of the conversations taking place around you. I am confident that you will find most people are complaining about their experiences.  This conversation of blaming, complaining and justifying, will attract that exact experience to the people that speak yet, and the people that listen to it.

This is why positive affirmations are so strong. And the successful people in the world have a positive attitude, because they are thinking of what they want and desire, rather than complaining about the things they do not want in life.

Would you like to join a group of positive thinking individuals?

Let’s connect!



Why MagicBrad uses GetResponse for Automation and List Building

If you have been in the online marketing world for almost any length of time, and have been learning about how to make money online, then you have more than likely heard the phrase… “The Money is in the List”. List Building is one of the skills that everyone will need to learn to earn.

Building a list (or database) of leads, prospects and customers is a key element in any business venture.

If you have been following me for a while, you know I like to use analogies to explain seemingly complex technologies. I often use a Nature Analogy of Plant Seeds (leads), Nurture Plants (relationship), Harvest Fruit (money).

You will never “Harvest the Fruits of your Labor” (make money) until you “Plants Seeds in a Fertile Garden” (leads). And before the seeds will begin to grow, you need to “Nurture them until they sprout plants” (relationship).

LANDING PAGES are the pieces of Internet Real Estate that gather the seeds (leads) that are planted.

AUTOMATION features offer the ability to create Time Freedom.

TRACKING STATS to check the efficacy of your marketing.

What I like about GetResponse (see banner below) is it has plenty of features that can be used in the 3 key elements of making money online.

  1. Lead Generation (Landing Pages, Opt-In Forms, Database, etc.)
  2. Relationship Building (Video Embed Features)
  3. Sales Processing (PayPal Buttons)



As always, if you ever have any questions about how to live the Internet Lifestyle, you can contact me from the contact page on this website.

Let’s Connect!