VIDEO Interview | Stefania Magidson author of Way of the White Magician

The Way of the White Magician is a book written by Stefania Magidson.

In this SynergyCafe VIDEO, I interview Stefania Magidson author of “The Way of the White Magician”, and president of the Blue Heron Foundation.

In this interview, we talked about her background in Romania of gymnastics and ballroom dancing. She is a believer that the body is the temple to our soul.

The book explores diverse teams from the role of institutions to personal purpose from religion and spirituality to self development. The reader can discover inner resources and path to spiritual growth which can serve as a catalyst for self advancement experience Menting the challenge stated in the book let us choose a dream we’ve always had and transform it into reality.

She is an author and speaker and she is also the president of the Blue Heron Foundation.

The blue heron foundation is a 501 C3 nonprofit charitable organization that operates in the United States and Romania.  The organization was founded out of the conviction that we must do all we can to uplift our fellow human beings who cannot yet fend for themselves. They are committed to creating a world in which orphaned and abandoned children no longer live in poverty or suffer from abuse or neglect.

WEBSITE: Blue Heron Foundation –


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Blue Harbor Center for the Arts | St. Paul, MN

My friend Anthony Signorelli, has a place over in St. Paul, MN called the Blue Harbor Center for the Arts that supports artists and writers and others with a desire, passion and will to make the world a better place.

Are you looking for a community of like-minded people to shares your gifts, talents and projects with? Then perhaps Blue Harbor Center for the Arts is a place for you?

The community of the Blue Harbor Center for the Arts is are committed to living at the edge of adventure. The harbor is a safe space to think differently, yet the big blue water outside the harbor wall beckons the adventurer out onto the open sea. That’s the feeling of Blue Harbor Center for the Arts. It is also the feeling of every dreamer, every artist, every entrepreneur who dared to engage his or her own work.


In addition to the work at Blue Harbor, Anthony has written multiple books and is working on a very inspiring project supporting men.

Anthony is a member of the Synergy Collaborative and the Synergy Lifestyle Academy.

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Intuitive Business Coach, Bestselling author Kay Sanders

What is Intuitive Business and can it help you?

Today on SynergyCafe I interviewed Kay Sanders.

Kay is an intuitive Business Coach, Bestselling author and known as the Creator of Possibilities. She loves being a mentor to heart-centered entrepreneurs to guide them on their way of creating momentum in their business, gain a winning mindset and the confidence to step out of their comfort zone, become more visible, attract more clients easily and effortlessly, make more money and ultimately take their life and business to the next level!


Getting your mindset right is one of the first steps in becoming successful. The challenge of attempting this on your own, is your ego mind (monkey mind) is working against your expansion towards your goals, because the “monkey mind” (ego mind) want to keep us safe and protected. It does this by staying in a comfortable familiar place.

Even in the area I am in with Internet Affiliate Marketing you need to have a realistic mindset. Most people that get into making money online, think it is as simple as post a link to a product or service and the sales come in. This can not be farther from the truth.

It takes time. And if you have the wrong mindset, like perhaps a “transactional” or Direct Selling attitude, you will not succeed in selling online.

Selling online with Affiliate Program is more like a farmers mindset. The farmer knows that after you plant the seeds, it may be a few weeks before you even see little sprouts come out of the ground. Then it will be even a few more weeks/months (or even years in the case of an apple tree) until the plants are large enough to start bearing fruits of your labor.

But once you get the seeds planted in the orchards and those trees start growing apples, they can grow in the masses. Similarly like with Affiliate Marketing. Once you get your system set up with your blog and your automated campaigns are all in place, then all you really need to do is keep the momentum going by doing simple daily tasks to drive qualified traffic to your first initial offer.

Did you take the leap of faith?

Or did you take the quantum leap of faith.

I know, it takes courage.

Here’s to your FREEDOM!

Be well,



✨A MagicBrad Moment✨ Truth VS Opinion Decision VS Choice

✨A MagicBrad Moment✨ Truth VS Opinion Decision VS Choice

Do you know the difference in TRUTH vs OPINION or are you being IGNORANT?

Most people (in my opinion) are clueless when it some to absolute “truth” and their beliefs or opinions.

In this video I share my opinion of what I believe to be truth versus my opinion.

You may, or may not agree with my opinion of what my belief of truth is, but in my opinion, you can not deny existence.

I did this video on a Saturday morning while sitting on my porch, having coffee. I did it on Periscope, and I think that Paris group is very strange.

That is my opinion.

The TRUTH is in the absolute.

Everything else is a choice or belief.  Also, there is a big difference between a choice, and a decision.  I made the decision to quit drinking many years ago. I did not make a choice, because then I would have been able to change my mind.  Some people are so in rolled in their believes, that they believe it is the absolute truth.

The only truth that there is, in my opinion is that “I am“.  I don’t know what form, or location I exist, but I know that I am.


Spiritual Growth Books: Top 10 with Josie Grouse – Angelic Messenger and Spirit Medium @JosieGrouse

This video with Josie Grouse shares the Top 10 spiritual growth books.

Josie is sharing her 10 most favorite books of all time. She believes these books were channeled.

#10 – Magic by Rhonda Byrne

#9 – Many Lives Many Masters by Brian Weiss.

#8 – To Heaven and Back by Mary C. Neil

#6 – Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff by Richard Carlson.

#5 – 7 Spiritual Laws of Success  by Deepak Chopra

#4 – Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz

#3 – The Power of Attention by Wayne Dyer

#2 – The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

#1 – The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle

What is YOUR favorite book?

Share in comments below.

To learn more about the Synergy Collaborative and the Synergy Lifestyle Academy opportunities you can contact me from the link below.

Be well,




BOOKS | Author of Childrens Books Joey Aldridge @puppydogtales74

Childrens Book have been popular for years.

As an author of Childrens Books, Joey (Johanna) Aldridge shares what inspired her on SynergyCafe with MagicBrad.

Her recent book, “Tales from the Forest” is available on Amazon.

ABOUT Childrens Books: The Forest Realm is a magical world within our own. You cannot see it, nor can you hear it, and only very few might be able to feel it. The realm feeds the hungry, shelters the homeless, and protects the hunted… so long as their hearts are pure. Recently orphaned, two heartbroken brothers are at risk of separation by the government… A black labrador leads a colony of rabbits away from danger… A destitute family of rats seek a new life away from the pollution of the big city… All have been rescued by the realm of magic, and their lives are truly about to change. Come and join us in The Forest where magic thrives, adventures are rife, and friendships last forever.

You can also learn more about her book from her website:

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Time Magazine | Spend your TIME like a FreeBird, not like a Caged Animal

Today, I am helping a friend sell his products at the Minneapolis Farmers Market.

Spending time reading Time Magazine can be a huge waste of time. Being stuck at a vendor is kiosk, to me, is the equivalent of being in prison.  When it comes to fairs, festivals, and farmers markets, I prefer to walk around as an attendee rather than being stuck at a booth.

This is why I like the Internet lifestyle. The Internet is dynamic and always changing. It is constantly moving. Therefore, I can promote a product or service online, and then go out and about on my day, and let the Internet do the work for me.

If you would like to learn more about the Internet lifestyle, please feel free to contact me from this website.

Let’s connect!


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