How to Write a Book (OR… have one written for you) with Samantha Ste Marie

Have you ever wanted to know how to write a book about your life, business of maybe just for fun?

Did you know that you don’t need to know how to write a book and you could have Samantha and her team write one for you?

Writing a book can be a complex task. Just the idea of writing a book can stop a person from even starting.

On SynergyCafe I interviewed Samantha Ste Marie about her new business that helps people write that book that has been sitting dormant inside them. Very often, people want to write a book and they never really get around to it. They procrastinate and make excuses about not have the time, or not know exactly what steps to take.


Samantha Ste Marie can help pull all those pieces together and get that book written, edited, published and out on the marketplace. Samantha can be found from her Red Rock Content website (link below) and also on platforms such as LinkedIn and Facebook.



Outsourcing is one of the best way to leverage time. There is nothing wrong with outsourcing tasks to someone with the resources to make your dream a reality. It speeds up the process and still gets the information out there where people can find it.

If you really want to help people then get that book written and out there for them to find.

Let’s Collaborate!




April Beyer – 3 Biggest Dating Mistakes for Women

April Beyer is a Dating Coach & Relationship Expert.  April has been seen on Dr. Phil, CBS, ABC 20/20, Vh1 and others. Get the 3 biggest myths about men & dating. Learn how to inspire men in a more powerfully feminine, authentic & confident way!


MYTH #1 – The first myth is dating is a skill or learned behavior.

MYTH #2 – Making yourself mysterious holds a man’s interest.

MYTH #3 – Our third and final math chemistry is only found stars.

Let’s get started on some myth busting.

MYTH #1 – The first myth is dating is a skill or learned behavior.

This myth tells you that the way you’re on a date should be different than how you are with your best friend or family member or maybe if you and I were sitting together.

A skill or a learned behavior that you need to master and only those that are proficient daters will find love and marriage.

Marriage minded men are invested in finding “The One”, and with this investment and busy schedules including yours there’s just no time to break down walls to wait for the real and authentic woman to show up.

If you feel like you’re the best kept secret in dating it might be because you’ve actually bought into this myth.

The good news is that it’s an easy fix and you can make things so much easier for yourself just by thinking in a different way.

Here’s your inspiring idea. Forget about perfecting your dating skills if you wanna know how to create instant chemistry with a man then write this down and keep it where you can see it every day.

Dating is simply relating and dating requires great relationship skills.

This is how you can actually embrace the opportunity to have a powerful effect on men… You know why? Because you’re gonna make it so easy, to be with you.

Marriage minded men are not looking to be challenged by your presence they’re looking to be comforted by it and how you can get there is just by being you.

MYTH #2 – Making yourself mysterious holds a man’s interest.

This myth tells you that if you’re mysterious that men will be more captivated and drawn to you.

Theres a lot of bad advice out there that teaches women not to give too much and to be ever so slightly out overreach.

The caliber of men you want to meet and eight are mature busy relationship minded man that don’t have time for mystery.

Believe me we as women are already complicated enough.

You don’t need to add on more layers this can really hurt your chances that love it here holding back acting aloof and cool playing games even being shy or not expressing what you think and feel.

It can get the impression that you’re not interested not ready or available or worse yet, not bad deep or interesting.

So who does big mystery game or quit mystery works on men they’re not looking for something real and serious it keeps them coming back for more because you never quite attainable.

But, this is a slippery slope because it’s just not sustainable your always gonna get hurt in the long run. Not to mention its gonna completely waste your time.

Here’s your inspiring idea…

Be an open book. Be the woman that men know quickly and easily.

Don’t be afraid to let your guard down. You’ve got to be fearless here. And whether you know or not, waiting to call a man back or looking like your busy is game-playing and it’s a turnoff to men that are actually looking for relationships.

A woman that is accessible emotionally is like everest a fresh air because you know what not a lot of women are able to do this.

The woman who’s honest present and receptive is always the woman that men want to get to know and usually the women they decide to marry.

MYTH #3 – Our third and final math chemistry is only found stars.

This myth tells you that you have no control over chemistry that it’s magical and elusive and if it’s not there you can’t do anything about it.

most people are under the false impression that it’s primarily about the way someone looks or how much people have in common.

Not having chemistry is one the most common feedback that men and women give for not wanting to pursue each other.

But why is it that a man ends up falling in love with a woman who if his physical ideal and doesn’t seem to share any of its common interests?

I see this happen every single day

What if I were to tell you that chemistry is actually created?

It is an active process connection that requires your participation.

Your femininity is powerful and with it, you are creative and inspiring.

All the man I work with want and need to be married, yes?

And although there are already relationship ready men, they still need to be inspired to approach you or to pursue you for serious relationship.

I hope this has served you and cleared up some the confusion that you’re having.


Learn MORE about RELATIONSHIPS by clicking the graphic below


As always, if you would like clarification on the Synergy System or have any questions about Lifestyle Design and creating Time Freedom, feel free to contact me.


Event-fully yours,

BRAD “MagicBrad” GUDIM



Costa Rica Women: Dating Exotic Girls

Dating Costa Rica Women can be a challenge.

Are you SURE you are ready to start dating Costa Rica women in your relationship life?

Have you ever been to Costa Rica? If your answer is yes, then you saw there beautiful Exotic Costa Rican women there. In this video she will answer on questions how and were to meet Costa Rica girls and how to dating with them without making mistakes.


Personally, I am married and have no interest in dating Costa Rica women.  However, I do know that many men have a desire to find that exotic woman.  As they say, “the grass is always greener on the other side“. This applies to finding that special someone also.

If Costa Rica is of interest to you, we are working on a development in the southern Osa region.  You can join us in this project and since you will probably be spending time with us in Costa Rica, it is more likely that you will meet Costa Rica women.

Makes sense, right?

Let’s Connect and Collaborate!



Destination Weddings in Exotic Locations like Costa Rica

Destination Weddings in Exotic Locations like Costa Rica.

Brides love Destination Wedding and also the wedding party loves definition weddings.

Getting married is one of the most important events of a persons life. The bride and the bride‘s mother are usually the main people involved with the initial planning of the wedding.


The idea of getting married on some tropical beach for him any tropical jungle or rain forest is a romantic thought in the minds of the wedding party and of course the bride. The groom is definitely involved in the experience, and is in the hall and ideas for the wedding, but  is really the bride and mother that have the final say.  LOL 😆

Costa Rica has become a very popular destination for not only weddings, but also honeymoons and vacations, and other group tours and activities.

In addition to the wedding and the reception, there are many other activities that happened at weddings. When a wedding is done in a exotic location such as coaster Rica, other activities campy implemented such as zip lining, whale watching, deep-sea fishing, horseback riding, and the list goes on.

The Synergy Collaborative is looking for a variety of suppliers to help with Destination weddings in Costa Rica. Caterers, travel planners, wedding planners, apparel, formalwear, make up, photography etc., etc., etc. The list goes on.

Let’s Connect and Collaborate!



Video Marketing | The Most Effective Method #AskMagicBrad

Without a doubt, VIDEO marketing is the closest to being in-person as it gets these days.

Today the internet is flooded with text, text and more text. Tons of words to read and not enough time in the day to read them all. If a picture is worth a 1000 words then a VIDEO must be worth a MILLION.

EXAMPLE: VideoMakerFX is a software that makes sales videos.

Watch the video to learn about the VideoMakerFX software.

Social video marketing is a component of an integrated marketing communications plan designed to increase audience engagement through social activity around a given video.

The VideoMakerFX Software is only $37 – BUY NOW!


5 TIPS for effective Video Marketing:

1. Center it Around the Story, Not The Sale

2. Make it the Best 10 Seconds Ever

3. Lighten Up. Stop Being So Boring!

4. Optimize for Search – Tag it Up

5. Educate & Prove Yourself


ENTREPRENEURIAL IDEA for YOU! Open your mind… With this VideoMakerFX software, you could start a small business making marketing videos for other businesses. Use your creativity to make the videos and sell them for $50, $100 maybe a $1,000 bucks!

You’ve just created your own Video Marketing Creative Agency.


I hope this basic information helps you with your video marketing and/or encourages you to start using VideoMakerRX for making your videos for your business.


As always, if you have any questions, concerns, ideas or opportunities, feel free to contact me.


Minnesota State Fair 2017 Highlights

The VIDEO below highlights the Minnesota State Fair of 2017.
Did you attend in 2017?

Better Question…

Will you be attending the Minnesota State Fair of 2018?


They say it is the largest state fair in the country. However Texas might argue.  The MN State fair is the state fair of the united state of Minnesota it’s slogan is the great Minnesota get together. It is the largest state fair in the United States by average daily attendance.

The Minnesota State fair is also the second largest state fair in the United States by total attendance, trailing only the state fair of Texas, which generally runs twice as long as the Minnesota State fair.

The state fairgrounds are next to the St. Paul campus of the University of Minnesota and are in falcon Heights Minnesota, midway between the states capital city of Saint Paul and it’s largest city Minneapolis near Como Park and Sam Anthony park neighborhoods of Saint Paul.

Residents of the state and the entire region, to the fair to be entertained, exhibit there best livestock, show off their abilities in a variety of fields including art and cooking, learn about new products and services, and many types of food, often on a stick.

The fair runs 12 days from late August to early September, ending on Labor Day. The Minnesota State fair was named the best state fair in the United States in 2015 by readers of USA today.


Although I am normally a “healthy eater” I’m pretty sure I will attend the 2018 Minnesota State Fair and partake in some of our “State Fair Food” (on a stick).

Let’s Connect and Collaborate!



These three (3) things make a GOOD Public Speaker Stand Out @OdettePeek

What’s the difference between a good public speaker and a FANTASTIC public speaker?

One that moves, motivates and compels the audience into action!

My friend Odette Peek can show you how to be a FANTASTIC speaker!

Join her online Aug. 13 – 17 for her Free Speak Up! 5 Day Challenge

Learn how to create a talk with EXACTLY what to say…and what NOT to say

How to have that WOW effect that creates a deep CONNECTION with your audience and CONVERTS them into paying clients

Her client Roz did her first event with these strategies and made $11,000 on the spot!

What can the Free Challenge do for you?…

craft your “everyone wants to hear” Signature Talk

step you through exactly what you need to do and have to get gigs

show you how you can inject extra income into your business

Join the Free SpeakUP 5-Day Challenge. She starts Monday, Aug. 13!

Don’t miss it!

Click HERE for more DETAILS and to REGISTER!

That’s all for now,

Be well!


Join Us

PS: The Synergy Collaborative helps speakers and presenters reach their ideal targeted audience. Whether you are looking to get more private clients or want to get into the professional speaking world in front of corporations, we are here to help.

Looking for corporate speaking gigs??

TIP: Look into MPI. Google KeyWord “Meeting Professionals International” and you will be enlightened.