How To Protect Your Wealth With Precious Metals (Silver, Gold and Platinum)

Precious Metals (Silver, Gold and Platinum) could Protect Your Wealth.

As a Business Owner, you always need to think about protecting your assets. One of the areas to focus on is “precious metals”. But, how do you do this? Buying gold and silver?

Where do you buy precious metals? Where do you store precious metals?

The financial crisis of 2008 was a stark wakeup call that the global economy is fragile. Millions of people lost 40% (or more) of the value of their IRAs and 401(k)s in a heartbeat. The lie that these retirement vehicles are stable was exposed, and the TRUTH was revealed … that they’re simply legal ways to gamble and that the house always wins. The scary thing is, the crisis of 2008 was just a speed bump on the way to the “main event.”


The Precious Metals Investing Summit is a full, 3-day event where you’ll learn directly from top precious metals experts about how to grow your wealth, while protecting your family & retirement from the next financial crisis.

(NOTE: Webpage is UpDated with date, time, place, as we get closed to the Event Date.)


As always, if you need clarification on any of my posts, or have questions, please give me a call. My contact link is below.

Best regards,


NOTE: Download my FREE eBOOK!
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The American Dream Revisited: Ordinary People, Extraordinary Results

In this SynergyCafe interview, I talk with Gary Sirak about the America Dream and what it means. He is an author and also a business owner of a family owned financial business.

His book, The American Dream REVISITED is available on line of by going to his website. (LINK BELOW)


The American Dream means different things to different people. If you are already living here, you may have lost the meaning because you are somewhat “used to” the feeling. To us at the Synergy Collaborative this “dream” is about FREEDOM. The freedom to create and capitalize on entrepreneurship. The ability to earn a living and make money and not have a limit on how much you can make.

Connecting and collaborating together as a united group makes the dream become a reality. It is much easier to work together cooperatively that trying to do all the work yourself. The reason for this is the “synergy” (synchronized energy) that occurs when we put our efforts together for a common goal or objective.

As always, if you want connect and chat to explore ideas and opportunities please free free to reach out.

Let’s Connect and Collaborate!




Here are 10 Signs You’re Not Saving Enough for Retirement Planning

Retirement Planning is often overlooked until it is too late.

Don’t be lazy when it comes to Retirement Planning or you will be living in regret!


Retirement might be decades away, but it is never to early to plan ahead. Saving money can feel limiting. You can not access the funds so you wonder why am I letting it sit in some account when I could be using the money to enjoy my life.

That is a very good way of looking at the retirement scenario.

Perhaps a better way to plan for retirement is to set yourself up with an income earning machine that generates passive income. Maybe you say you will never retire because you love doing what you do. As long as your occupation is not physically challenging you can continue to earn income.

The online world is ideal for this, however you need to learn and become education about business, and marketing so that you can set up a system that generates sufficient funds.

OR… you can use someone else’s system, and sell someone else’s products, services.

You don’t want to end the last days of your life as a mall security guard.

Imagine is you had an opportunity to direct traffic into the Mall of America, or into the Ridgedale Center and once your leads got into the mall, and made purchases, you go paid a commission from every single purchase that they made inside the mall.

You only job was to drive traffic through the doors, and once those people are in the mall and shopping, your job is done. You get paid, when they make purchases.

You do not need to “sell” them on anything. The sales people on the floor do all that. You only need to direct them to the mall. You do not need to process orders. The cashiers process all the orders. You do not need to do any up-selling. The sales people do that for you.

That would be a very cool system.

But the Mall of America does not have that option for you.

However, the Ultimate Retirement Breakthrough does.

What is the Synergy Lifestyle Academy?

Retirement Planning Reality Check | Do you have enough saved to maintain or exceed your current lifestyle?

Retirement Planning is usually on the minds of the older folks. The younger people don’t get it.

Most Americans do not have enough money saved to retire comfortably. I’m sure you have heard that before, so what will you do about it?


Having sufficient funds saved (or multiple streams of cash flow) to live a comfortable lifestyle is a serious issue. Not many people I know are happy working into their older years. You know what I mean? Like as a Walmart Greeter, or wiping down table at McDonalds.

Maybe you are interested in learning how to make money on the internet. Even an older worn out body can operate a computer or smart phone enough to promote their passion. Just learn to monetize your content and you are off and running.

Would you like to Join Us

There are some pretty simple ways to earn money online if you have the desire and a niche topic to share with the world.

As aways, if you have any questions of would like clarity on the program I offer, please fee free to contact me.


Event-fully Yours,

BRAD “MagicBrad” GUDIM


Robert Kiyosaki – Cash Flow Quadrant

Robert Kiyosaki – CASH FLOW QUADRANT

E = Employee

B = Business Owner

S = Self-Employed

I = Investor

The Cash Flow Quadrant concept in and of itself is valuable to understand. The basics are pretty simple. It is the cross over and application of the concepts into our everyday lives that make the real difference in whether we have TIME to enjoy our lives, or we are just bizzy being bizzy.

Take for example, the MLM or Network Marketing industry. The industry in general, expresses the ability for leveraged income and time freedom, when in REALITY, the leaders are constantly on the phone and presenting at meetings and conventions. I would not call this “time-freedom”, unless of course the individual THRIVES from being bizzy and on stage most of their lives.

Personally, I enjoy being spontaneous and living a casual lifestyle with minimal commitments and having the abiity to do what I want, when I want, if I want.

BRAD ‘MagicBrad’ GUDIM