SOCIAL MEDIA | What is the Synergy Cafe?

You are probably already using Social Media in some way. But maybe not with the SynergyCafe… yet.

You’re curious. Maybe you’ve seen this online and you want to know, what is Synergy Cafe?


Synergy Cafe is a “virtual coffee shop” where entrepreneurs and business owners can meet via video conferencing and share ideas, pass knowledge and collaborate for success.


As always, feel free to contact me with any questions of need for clarification.

How to Promote a Product, Service or Cause on the Synergy Collaborative Network

Let’s Connect and Collaborate!

BRAD “MagicBrad” GUDIM


How to INVEST your Time-Money with $86,400 in Your Time-BANK…

Learning how to invest your time and money will be the single most important thing you learn in life.

Investing your TIME is just as, if not MORE IMPORTANT than investing your MONEY.


IMAGINE there is a bank that credits your account each monring with $86,400.

It carries over o balance from day to day

And every evening it deletes whatever part of the balance you failed to use that day.

What would you do? – DRAW OUT EVERY CENT.

Each of us has such a bank. It’s called TIME.

To realize the value of one year, ask the student that failed a grade.

To realize the value of one month, ask the mother who gave birth to a premature baby.

To realize the value of one week, ask the editor of a weekly newspaper.

To realize the value of an hour, ask the man that missed his train.

To realize the value of a minute, ask the person that missed a plane.

To realize the value of a second, who narrowly missed a car accident.

To realize the value of a milli-second ask the olympian that took second place.


Time is a commodity that we all have in common. It’s exactly the same for each and every being on the planet. Next time you think or say… “I don’t have time.”, re-think what you are saying.

You are actually saying to yourself, is you do not value YOUR time, so you spend your time carelessly. What if you had multiple recurring income streams, that allowed you to work only when you wanted, and where you wanted, and with who you wanted.

You could spend YOUR TIME the way you enjoy.

As always, if you have any questions or need clarification, please do call.

Event-fully Yours,

BRAD “MagicBrad” GUDIM


Real Estate Investing with David Minor @vesado

You may have considered Real Estate Investing for passive income.

Real Estate Investing is NOT as easy as the gurus will tell you!

In this SynergyCafe interview, I talked with David Minor of VESADO. David currently lives in Florida, however was a resident here in my home town of Minneapolis, MN.

Just a side note, I think it is really cool that we can connect via the internet. However we did run into some audio challenges with Davids internet connection. I/we apologize.


Investing in Real Estate can be very lucrative, however it can also be very risky if you are not very experienced and know all of the details and specifics. You also need to stay current on the laws and regulations in the Real Estate Industry.

Personally, I like the “make money online” model. I like to refer to internet properties (webpages, blogs, social media accounts etc( as “Internet Real Estate”. You can actually create a nice retirement “nest egg” from marketing and promoting other peoples products and services. This way you do not have the risk of owning inventory, yet you can earn very significant commissions. As high as 90% commissions.

If you have any questions of would like clarification, please connect with me.

Event-Fully yours,

BRAD “MagicBrad” GUDIM


Tax Planning – How can you become a Tax Preparer?

Learning about Tax Planning is important in business, but not a focus point.

It is important to know about the tax planning advantages that are available to you.


Tax planning all throughout the tax class people keep harping on creating value for your client. Also showing value to your client. You are gaining value by using my expertise. Make sure they qualify for the benefit. Be on the look out for tax strategy. There is a certain element where you can identify certain types of tax preparers. You may say I am going to let you know about three tax deductions that are overlooked. Number one student loan interest. This deduction was easy to find. The company will say you pay a couple hundred dollars for your attacks interest. However companies started posting the 1098 E form and they will not send a piece of paper to the text payers house. You need to ask are you paying back any student loans?

 Maddie Brown the Consious CPA and Virtual CFO

Here are 10 Signs You’re Not Saving Enough for Retirement Planning

Retirement Planning is often overlooked until it is too late.

Don’t be lazy when it comes to Retirement Planning or you will be living in regret!


Retirement might be decades away, but it is never to early to plan ahead. Saving money can feel limiting. You can not access the funds so you wonder why am I letting it sit in some account when I could be using the money to enjoy my life.

That is a very good way of looking at the retirement scenario.

Perhaps a better way to plan for retirement is to set yourself up with an income earning machine that generates passive income. Maybe you say you will never retire because you love doing what you do. As long as your occupation is not physically challenging you can continue to earn income.

The online world is ideal for this, however you need to learn and become education about business, and marketing so that you can set up a system that generates sufficient funds.

OR… you can use someone else’s system, and sell someone else’s products, services.

You don’t want to end the last days of your life as a mall security guard.

Imagine is you had an opportunity to direct traffic into the Mall of America, or into the Ridgedale Center and once your leads got into the mall, and made purchases, you go paid a commission from every single purchase that they made inside the mall.

You only job was to drive traffic through the doors, and once those people are in the mall and shopping, your job is done. You get paid, when they make purchases.

You do not need to “sell” them on anything. The sales people on the floor do all that. You only need to direct them to the mall. You do not need to process orders. The cashiers process all the orders. You do not need to do any up-selling. The sales people do that for you.

That would be a very cool system.

But the Mall of America does not have that option for you.

However, the Ultimate Retirement Breakthrough does.

What is the Synergy Lifestyle Academy?

How to Simplify Budgeting Methods to Leverage Minimalism and WIN!

Learn how to simplify Budgeting Methods to save time and money!

If you are not simplifying Budgeting Methods then you are throwing money out the window.


The following list summarizes the key aspects and disadvantages of each type of budgeting model:
  • Static budgeting. …
  • Zero-base budgeting. …
  • Flexible budgeting. …
  • Incremental budgeting. …
  • The rolling budget. …
  • The rolling forecast.

What is Budgeting | Types, Examples, Advantages, Disadvantages – In the competitive world, budget plays a crucial role to organization’s survival and growth. Budget is majorly performed to control the cost and maximizing the profit of the organization. Further it also helps organization to prepare itself for the upcoming future and funding requirements.

The budget is the plan which intends to figure out expected operations revenue and expenses of an organization for a future time period. In other words for a business entity budgeting is the process of preparing detailed statement of financial results that are projected for a certain period of time. Budgeting is to estimate the future while taking the management inputs considering internal and external factors of the organization.

Budget is prepared to carry out various functions like planning activities, developing projects, testing and implementing programs etc. There are various such functions for which an entity prepare budget. Budgeting can increase the chances of making profits within the given environment and help decision making process of management.


How to INVEST your Time-Money with $86,400 in Your Time-BANK…

MagicBrad Presents on Robert Kiyosaki’s Cash Flow Quadrant

I am hoping you have heard of the Cash Flow Quadrant.

The Cash Flow Quadrant will help you understand why you might be living paycheck to paycheck.

MagicBrad Presents on Robert Kiyosaki’s Cash Flow Quadrant and the areas of the Employee, the Self-Employed, the Business Owner and the Investor. (Get more Business Education with the 21 Steps Course)


Have you heard of the CASH FLOW QUADRANT?

The Cash Flow Quadrant was popularized by Robert Kiosaki, author of the book Rich Dad, Poor Dad. The quadrant covers 4 levels of occupation starting with the Employee, then the Self-Employed, then the Business Owner and finally the Investor.

I’ve gone through, and re-visit all of these phases occasionally.

Each quadrant offers a different lifestyle of time freedom, and each quadrant requires a unique mindset. The Employee is content, with working for an hourly wage and climbing the ladder of success.

The Self-Employed person, has a desire for building their own dream and is willing to give up the security of a regular paycheck, to be in more control of income growth.

The Business Owner has more ambitious goals and is ok with hiring (and firing) employees, managing people, maintenance of equipment, and merchandise and the plethora of other tasks involved. Owning your own business can be financially rewarding but comes with a lot of responsibility and stress.

The Investor is a person that understands leverage, compounding and scaling. They use their time, money and energy to create more time money and energy with systems and processes. This can create that “passive income” that so many people desire, but do not have the mindset for.

Each of these areas of the Cash Flow Quadrant require a unique mindset and different elements of education and knowledge. There really is no simple path to independent wealth but there is a “first step” that leads to many more steps along the path of wealth creation and financial freedom.

I’ve recently become more interested in these 4 phases of lifestyle occupation, so I will be creating some more video content on MagicBradTV on my interpretation of each quadrant and how and where I have experienced them in my occupation of time and energy.

Perhaps my experience will be of service to you on your lifestyle path.

As always… feel free to connect with me on my plethora
of “Social Media Real Estate”. (Just Google keyword “MagicBrad”)

OR… let’s connect in-person or grab a “virtual coffee”
at “My Synergy Cafe” (search it on Facebook)

Event-fully Yours,

BRAD “MagicBrad” GUDIM