Synergy Collaborative HASHTAGS for #Career #Finance #Relationships #Spirituality and #Wellness


The hashtag (#)  is misused, and overused  on social media and Internet communication.

Most people, including myself, do not understand how to use hashtags.  My understanding, was that the hashtag (#)  creates a common link for people with similar interests or working in similar in the streams can connect.

Some people over use them and spam on their postings,  which saturates the communication, and diffusers the efficacy of support.

And the #SynergyCollaborative  we have five main pillars of interest.

These are:






For members of the Synergy Collaborative, we ask that they insert the key word “synergy“  before that category keyword.

As an example:






By inserting one of these hashtags in with your post, it will alert other members of the #SynergyCollaborative  of your post that is relevant to that keyword.

I hope this helps in some clarity on how to use hashtags.  As I mentioned above, I am unclear as to how this works because of course, all the platforms constantly change their algorithms and how they work.  Until further notice and information, we will continue to use hashtags in this manner.

Thank you for taking the time to learn.

Let’s connect!