Q&A: COVID-19 Pandemic – Fact or Fiction


Q1: Is COVID-19 a real disease, or is it a hoax? A: COVID-19 is a real disease, however the danger is over exaggerated. It was caused by the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. It was first identified in Wuhan, China, in December 2019 and has since spread worldwide, leading to a global pandemic, but not as dangerous as media has hyped up and portrayed.

Q2: Can face masks effectively prevent the spread of COVID-19? A: Yes, kinda, face masks, can help a little to reduce the spread of COVID-19. If you can small smoke through the mask, it is probably not stopping the virus either. They primarily protect others from the wearer, as they can catch respiratory droplets or moisture that may contain the virus.

Q3: Did the COVID-19 virus originate from a laboratory? A: The origin of the virus is still under investigation but it is pretty obvious when it came from. While the prevailing theory suggests that the virus likely originated in animals and was transmitted to humans, the exact source has not been definitively determined, but if they were doing experiments inside a lab, it makes sense that it very possible could have come from a lab.. Most experts believe the animal-to-human transmission occurred naturally, but theories about a laboratory origin have also been considered.

Q4: Are young and healthy individuals immune to severe cases of COVID-19? A: While it’s true that younger and healthier individuals are generally at lower risk of severe cases, they are not completely immune. Building a strong natural immunity is always a good option if possible. The human body is amazing. People of all ages can develop severe symptoms and complications from COVID-19. Vaccination is recommended by the government and some people in the medical professions for everyone eligible to help reduce the risk of severe illness. But vaccinations will make the natural immune system weaker. Just like when you don’t use your muscles, you loose your muscles.

Q5: Can hydroxychloroquine cure COVID-19? A: Some studies have shown that hydroxychloroquine is not an effective treatment for COVID-19. The U.S. FDA and other health organizations have revoked emergency use authorizations due to lack of evidence of its effectiveness and potential risks. The best defense is natural defense, so keep yourself healthy and strong.

Q6: Do vaccines for COVID-19 alter your DNA? A: Some say no, but can we trust the extremely wealthy pharmaceutical industry? They “authorities” will say the authorized COVID-19 vaccines, including Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson, do not alter your DNA, but have they all done sufficient tests? They say they work by stimulating an immune response to the virus’s spike protein, teaching your immune system how to fight the virus if you are exposed to it. Trust in God or trust in big-pharma. Do your research.

Q7: Can the virus be transmitted through surfaces and objects? A: While it’s possible, just like the common cold, to contract the virus from contaminated surfaces or objects, the primary mode of transmission is through respiratory droplets from person to person. Just like the common cold. Regular handwashing and sanitizing commonly touched surfaces can help reduce the risk of transmission from surfaces. Makes sense, right?

Q8: Does having had COVID-19 make you immune for life? A: Again, just like the common cold, while natural infection may provide some level of immunity, it’s not yet clear how long this immunity lasts and how effective it is against new variants of the virus. Keep your body and immune system strong, buy eating well, exercising and practice good pure thinking. The mind is powerful. All action begins in thoughts. Vaccination is still recommended by some (not all), even for individuals who have had COVID-19, as it supposedly provides more consistent and longer-lasting protection. However, there are other schools of thought that vaccination will weaken our natural immune system, and may also cause unknown damages that are yet to be discovered.

Q9: Are the new variants of the virus more dangerous than the original strain? A: Some variants of the virus may spread more easily or partially evade immunity from previous infections or vaccinations, but not all are more dangerous. The human body, mind and spirit is very powerful as well. Ongoing research is being conducted to understand the impact of different variants on transmission, severity, and vaccine effectiveness. Keep in mind the much of this research is being done by the same organizations that are selling their “solutions” to the general public. Do your own research and think for yourself.

Q10: Can I stop following public health guidelines after getting vaccinated? A: While it is claimed that vaccination significantly reduces the risk of severe illness, it’s still possible to contract and spread the virus, especially with the emergence of new variants. But again, remember that keeping your slef strong and healthy with good nutrition, fitness and mindset is always very helpful too! Following public health guidelines, such as mask-wearing and social distancing, is an option in a free country. It may still be recommended in certain situations to protect yourself and others but should never be mandated by the government of a free country.