Power of Intention and Insight with Gleb Tsipursky

What is the Power of Intention?

Do you have the Power of Intention available to you? Of course you do. Everyone does.


GUEST: Gleb Tsipursky


HOST: Brad Gudim #MagicBrad



A day without intention is a day wasted. Bold words, but ones I firmly believe.

Intention: the thing that you plan to do or achieve : an aim or purpose — Merriam Webster

To create an intention is to clarify what you want to achieve: in a yoga class, a day, a lifetime. This act is deceptively simple but deeply powerful.

When you stop to ask — what is the one thing I could achieve today to make it great? — then you instinctively scan your internal ToDo list and weed out things that (turns out!) don’t matter, and focus instead on the one or two things that will truly bring some measure of happiness.

And at the end of the day, isn’t that all we’re really looking for in life?
A bit of happiness?
A feeling of accomplishment?
Some barometer to let us know that we’ve earned self-administered pat on the back?

The Goal.
By creating an intention, we suddenly know how to measure our day.
We connect with the goal behind the goal.
Let’s be honest, I don’t think any of us just want to “work.” We actually want to achieve a feeling of security, or a monetary reward. Or both.