Is my personal ESG Score the Mark of the Beast?

While watching Glenn Beck on YouTube, I wondered if my personal ESG Score is The Mark of the Beast.

According to what Glenn Beck was saying, if your ESG Score is harming the environment, and creating some type of disorderly society, and going against the government, you could be limited in what you can buy.

For example, if you are still driving a gasoline powered vehicle, many would accuse you of polluting the environment, therefore you may be challenged with the ability to purchase gasoline.

Or, if you disagree with some of the social injustice campaigns that are taking place in your community, you could receive a dissatisfactory ESG Score .

After watching some of this, I did a little research on the Internet. Do you know how that goes. Ya just Google it. But then, we wonder how accurate is the information on the Internet.

And what I was able to find, it looks like Thomson Reuters is the organization in charge of the ESG Scores.

The video below is from the Glenn Beck YouTube channel. Take a watch, and comment to let me know your thoughts.