Money Tree | If TIME was MONEY we would all have the same amount

Mom and dad said, “Do ya think we have a Money Tree in the back yard”

I apologize for the “shaky cam” in the video.
I’m trying out “Driving with MagicBrad” videos.


I’ve heard people say… “Time is Money”. But if time actually was money, then we would all have the exact same amount. Therefore I do not believe time is actually money. I think TIME is simply a measurement system that was developed.

Imagine if you did have a money tree planted somewhere. How often would you go to harvest from it. Would you pick it clean or would you only harvest what you need at the time you need it?

As always if you have questions of would like clarity on any of the content that I am putting out, please feel free to contact me. You can connect with my at my “virtual coffee shop”.

Event-fully yours,

BRAD “MagicBrad” GUDIM


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