A simple Midwest Native Plants Garden can earn you passive income!

For many, gardening is a simple relaxing past time. They are not actively making money as a hobby gardener. Yet, there is a way that a average person can earn money taking care of their Midwest native plants garden without actively selling anything.

It is done through a passive earning model on the Internet.

This marketing model, is called affiliate marketing, but don’t let the name scare you.

Affiliate Marketing, is actually pretty simple. It is simply being the middleman between a product and a prospect.

Affiliate Marketing Programs have systems set up where they provide you with a unique Affiliate link, that you use to promote products and services. When a prospective customer clicks on the link, and interacts and engages with this product or service, and possibly makes a purchase, you earn a commission off that purchase.

You could quite literally, create a website about gardening, and just create Content around your daily gardening activities, with (your unique) links and banner ads sprinkled throughout your content. When interested people click on those links, you would earn a commission if they buy products. This is why this is a passive method.

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