VIDEO How to Make Money Online with Automobile Analogy

Wondering how to make money online and make it easy too?

The internal workings of an automobile are very very complex, as is the internet and the “How to Make Money Online” industry.

Stay with me here.

I’m going to give you a fairly detailed and complicated explanation of the inner workings of a basic automobile. Not a high-performance Indy Race Car. But a basic car. I’m writing this to make a point of how most people make the internet very complex, and as a result, never succeed at the make money online game.

Ok, stating with the engine of the automobile, there is the block with all the cylinders and pistons are. These cylinders and pistons are what powers the motor. It’s like the heart of the motor. Then there is the carburetor, where the fuel is mixed with air to make it highly combustable. This combustion mixture is put into the cylinders (each cylinder at a very specific moment in time) and then the pistons compress this air/fuel mixture to a maximum point at which a spark ignites and creates an explosion, forcing the piston to move back down the cylinder, which turns the crankshaft. That energy is driven into the transmission that has a series of gears that move around for the different speeds. The energy from the transmission is converted to the drive shaft that then send the torque out to the wheels and allows the automobile to travel from a dead stop to 50-60 or over 100s of miles per hour.

And this is just part of it. I did not even get into the electrical system, the heating and cooling system, the braking system, or any of the structural element. There is much much more.

Now… for the SIMPLE part.

To drive the car, simply get in, “use the key” start the motor. Put is in gear and GO!

Just like the automobile is very complex, The internet and the whole social media plethora is also very very complex and confusion. But if you are able to clear away all the confusion, and focus on the essential basics, the “Make Money Online” game is pretty simple.

The challenge is that the internet is dynamic and always changing, so it is very difficult to stay focused on the basics, when all these new tools and ideas are being placed in front of us every day, every minute, every second.



There are 3 simple phases:
1) Plant the Seed (generate a lead) [irresistible offer]
2) Nurture the Plant (build a relationship) [social media]
3) Harvest the Fruit (offer the product for sale) [product or service]


  • Video is the fastest way to become known, liked, trusted and respected, online.
  • Being consistent is vital. Blog daily, do a video daily. (It’s hard, I know.)
  • Automated and/or delegated process for processing and fulfillment.
  • High-Ticket products and services sold on the backend.

THAT’S IT! It’s that simple. (tee-hee)

Let’s connect and perhaps we can work together to keep each other on the simple track.


As always, if you happen to have questions of would like some clarity on any of the posts, please feel free to contact me. I’d love to help you. When you succeed, I succeed.

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