Lori A Andrus – Lifestyle Harmony – SPIRITUAL Awakening @LoriAAndrus

In this video Lori A Andrus shares her insights on a spiritual awakening and why.

NOTE: This post has been updated to optimize SEO. The video was originally recorded on April 15, 2014.

Synergy Cafe Online Open Discussion on SPIRITUAL Awakening with Lori A Andrus.

Can an average person experience a spiritual awakening without the use of hallucinogenic drugs?

Here is this video, Lori shares her take on “religion” and “spirituality” and what beliefs make them different. Her opinion on “religion’ is that it is more ridged, where the “spirituality” aspect is more free-flowing and allowing for exploration.

Spirituality is about coming to know ourselves as human being by nature. Religion tends to make people feel inadequate at times, where spirituality is more generic and open to allowing people to worship in their way.

Lori A Andrus WEBSITE: http://www.loriaandrus.com/