Jennifer Schaefer – Smart Tips – How To Attract A Loving Relationship

This VIDEO will show you the basics of How To Attract A Loving Relationship into your life.

Are you sick of attracting the wrong relationship?

Jennifer has a “Smart Tip” just for you. How To Attract A Loving Relationship.

It’s time to change your beliefs that you are not worthy of a loving relationship. These beliefs can hide from even the seeker of all seekers. It’s usually a very quiet voice, one that we don’t pay attention to because we have become so accustomed to its dialogue that it feels natural and we accept it as truth.

When you’re listening to these thoughts, this quiet voice, you will attract exactly the relationship your voice is telling you that you deserve. What you want to do is to start creating new thought patterns that replace the old ones. And these won’t be quiet. These ones will be loud so the whole world can hear you.

When you have a thought that is congruent in your heart, you will start to fill your heart at with loving thoughts and feelings. And when you start to feel loved and loving you will attract a loving relationship with ease. It really truly starts with you.

A great way to jump-start the process is to write down a new belief 10 times a night, like…

I am loving and lovable.

I only attract loving relationships into my life.

When you write this you are setting the energy in motion and your thoughts. And you’re connecting your heart and filling your heart with loving emotions.

It’s your heart that is the real attractor because of the energy that flows through it that connects to another energy flow.

Jennifer Shaffer