Do you know your market niche?

Just the other day, I got a phone call from a entertainer (Jazz Musician) that attended the Minnesota Event Planners Expo.

Her question was, how do I connect with EVENT PLANNER‘s?

My first initial response was, what type of events are you interested in getting at?

There is a saying, that I don’t recall where it came from, and it goes like this. “If you do not know where you are going, then any direction will get you there.“

The reason I asked her what type of events she was interested in working, is because that would determine of where you would attempt to find that type of event planner.

There are corporate events, association connections and conferences, weddings, fairs, festivals, city celebrations and the list goes on and on.

I often say that Marketing is like algebra. Decide where you want to go, then add the activities and elements that will get you there.

If you have questions, feel free to contact me and we can discuss it.