Conscious Collective Book by Patricia Cori – Author of The New Sirian Revelations, Galactic Prophecies for the Awakening Human Collective

The conscious collective book has a similar to the Synergy Collaborative, in that we are a united group with a common interest.

Today on Synergy Cafe I interviewed Patricia Cori.

She’s been dubbed a “real life Indiana Jones” by fans and the media – an inspiring icon of truth and a living model of the adventurer within us all. Internationally acclaimed author Patricia Cori is one of the most well-known and established authorities on the realms of the mystic, whose views of the world challenge the status quo and confront the issues that concern us all today. She’s a pioneer of the alternative thought community. She loves to “stretch the imagination” with visions of what might very well be, as science fiction becomes reality every day in our rapidly changing world. With fourteen books, published in more than twenty foreign languages, she has been a key voice in the alternative media for decades, bringing paradigm-busting information to the public since 1996.

Learn more about this conscious collective book.

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