Ben Theis of @SkolMarketing shares Search Engine Optimization Training

ABOUT: Looking for Search Engine Optimization Training – Ben Theis is owner of Skol Marketing located in the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota. Skol Marketing is your resource for getting your small business found on the web. Did you know that businesses with a web presence are expected to grow 40% faster than those that don’t use the web?


SPECIAL OFFER: Skol Marketing offers many free seminars here in the Twin Cities for small business owners to learn the basic essentials of online marketing.

Search Engine Optimization Training – Search engine optimization is a process of getting great quality and quantity of traffic for your website and will increase the visibility of your website and also your webpages for users when they search the web. Also referred to as SEO it’s the improvement of natural searching which is on pay results. 

 There are some basic steps for creating search engine optimization for your web posts. When you make a website, you want to choose the right URL. Also putting great titles and descriptions in each one of your post is very important. This also goes for when you create a webpage. You need to add all the text to all your images. This is very time intensive, but it is one of those things that needs to be done. You need to give some structure to your copy so that it is using the right headers and is easy to read. I am not sure how the search engines figure this all out, but they do.

 There are a lot of elements to be used when attempting to be found on the Internet. You need to improve your website user experience first of all. You do this by writing great content, and make sure it is optimized for the search engine. You also need to establish back legs. You need to do this from getting other people to link to your site. It is also important to have a website that opens fast. Try not to add too many pictures because images slow down page loading. 

Ben and the folks at SKOL Marketing are natural Viking Fans, so a Viking Snack Helmet may be a mandatory accessory for them in their office.

A Career in Search Engine Optimization Training