Annalicia Niemela – Yoga and Pilates

Pilates and Yoga have become very popular in the world of fitness.

Do you think Pilates is the same as Yoga?

Annalicia Niemela has created a Yoga and Pilates Program with MEMBERSHIP OPTIONS.

As a Your True Power member, you’ll receive instant, unlimited, at-your-convenience access to all the yoga, Pilates, & stability ball workout videos within my extensive library. Workout videos range anywhere from 12 to 90 minutes and vary greatly in regards to intensity. So, from beginners to advanced fitness enthusiasts – I’ve got you covered.

New workout, informational, and guest videos are added each month. And, your membership comes with a ton of bonuses. Such as, 101 videos to help you learn the basics, at your desk workouts, yoga with your kids, and so much more!

Work with Annalicia Niemela

As usual, if you would like to be a guest on SynergyCafe, you can schedule a day and time by going to www.MagicBrad.TV

Event Marketing Consultant

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