Events In Person

There are some events listed on our sister website

If you have an event planned (online or live) and you would like to have it published and promoted by the Academy and our Affiliated Partners, you can request an evaluation of your event by contacting us HERE. Please be sure to give us as much detail as possible.

The LIVE events are in-person classes, seminars, workshops, conferences, masterminds and retreats and are held at various properties both domestic and international. Some live events will be held at smaller local private and community venues. Other live events will be held at traditional hotels, conference centers and resorts. And some at unique exotic locations like Costa Rica.

Some examples of LIVE events are Executive Mastermind Retreats (Career), Real Estate Investing Seminars (Finance), Marriage Encounter (Relationships), Vision Quests (Spirituality), Yoga Retreats (Wellness)

Some select events with sufficient profit margin, are arranged for Invested Affiliate Referral Partners to promote and market and earn commissions.